Why You Need More Storytelling In Your Discipleship

Our lives are wrapped up in stories; they are the language of our world. Who we believe ourselves to be is shaped by the dominant story in our lives, and what we believe about God and what he is like will ultimately determine what we believe about ourselves and how life works.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, I share why learning, embracing, and teaching the Story of God found throughout the Bible is a key component in discipleship. You’ll learn how we teach the Story in community and the transformation that it brings.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How stories powerfully shape our lives and worldview.
  • Why the Bible stories you may have been taught as a kid were wrong.
  • Ways we’ve used narrative and dialogical story-telling in our discipleship.
  • Where to get free Story of God resources and training.

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Why You Need More Storytelling In Your Discipleship

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From this episode:

It is one thing to know a lot about God and the Bible; it is another to understand and experience his loving pursuit as seen throughout all of Scripture. Sharing the good news about Jesus and his kingdom through the lens of facts and topics can become cold and clinical. But there is nothing more moving than having the ability to easily and naturally share the Story of God. It is the most transforming thing we can give ourselves to, and it is the one thing that I have seen consistently move people from unbelief to belief and grow their trust in God.

Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.

Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.


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