Why Church Elders Should Be Lead Disciple-makers

Many pastors are working hard to lead their families and flocks to engage discipleship in all of life, but their biggest roadblocks to exponential growth is their own church elders! Oftentimes, these “elders” do not make disciples and have never led another person to faith in Jesus. How could this be so common?!

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we ask the question: Are your elders discipleship friends or foes? You’ll discover the true history of how church elders emerged, their roles, and why your church elders should be lead disciple-makers in your church.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Did elders exist in culture before the emergence of the Church?
  • How elders were appointed and their role in the early church.
  • Why your elders should be THE model for making disciples in the church!
  • What to do if your elders are “blocking” discipleship in community.

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Why Church Elders Should Be Lead Disciple-makers

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From this episode:

“Sure Jesus could draw a crowd, usually around healings and massive meal times, yet he primarily spent the bulk of his leadership energy and time with only a dozen people. In our modern church, Jesus would not get great marks here and would probably not get that promotion up the ladder… Senior leadership usually relegates discipleship to lower team members or ‘directors.’ Sorry, Jesus.”

Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.

Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.


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