The Patience Needed For Discipleship

Discipleship is definitely more of a slow cooking process and not something done at microwave speeds. Maybe that’s why the church in recent history has had such a hard time with making disciples: We want to see instant conversions, instant attendance, and instant new programs…

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar is joined by disciple-maker and church planter Gino Curcuruto. Listen in as they explore the importance of patience in discipleship. They reflect on the early church leaders’ understanding of investing significant time in walking alongside individuals, guiding them toward living in the ways of Jesus.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How patience plays a vital role in the process of discipling someone.
  • Why baptism is a model for our ongoing immersion into Gospel Identity.
  • The need for discipleship to happen in different environments of life.
  • How “micro churches” that only mirror a Sunday church service are missing the mark.

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The Patience Needed For Discipleship

From this episode:

“Your community of faith, your church, is meant to be an ongoing immersion into your true gospel identity. Your baptism kicks off this lifestyle of being a disciple and disciple-maker with a public proclamation of this reality, and the ongoing life together is a relational immersion deeper and deeper into living out of your true God-given identity.”

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Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.


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