Mission for God and intimacy with God can often become disconnected and seem like competing priorities and passions. But what if you could cultivate a vibrant and authentic spirituality that doesn’t draw you away from your neighbors, but propels you into the lives of others and the needs of your city?
In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar is joined by church planters Jeremy and Monica Chambers as they break down this divide in a way that helps you discover fresh joy in living as a Jesus-follower, and become more fruitful in your everyday mission.
In This Episode You’ll Learn:
- Why there seems to be a divide between deep spirituality and mission.
- Why focusing just on contemplation or just on the mission is incomplete.
- How to cultivate a vibrant spirituality that doesn’t draw you away from others.
- A practice where you’ll discover new ways in which God is truly amazing!
Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.
Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.