Caesar Kalinowski

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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple

Are You One of the Cool Kids?

When I was growing up, whether it was hanging around my neighborhood or on the school playground, or spending time with my sisters and cousins during family celebrations, it was important to feel as if I was one of the cool kids—one of the insiders.

No one likes to feel on the outs or be pushed to the margins of the social circle.

We all want to be insiders. (more…)

10 Ideas For Your Christmas on Mission

Many of us were raised to believe that the Christmas holidays are a time to unplug from outside relationships and our “normal” community rhythms. Even many Christians tend to isolate away from their small groups, missional communities, and neighbors instead of pressing deeper into relationships at this time of year. 

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll give you 10 fun and easy missional ideas that you can do with family and friends to help you stay on mission this holiday season.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why the Christmas holidays are a perfect time to reach out on mission.
  • How recent social distancing regulations have made certain, favorite, holiday traditions a perfect opportunity for mission in your neighborhood.
  • How to pick one other family to be part of your family this holiday season.
  • 10 ideas you can mix and match that are fun for your family to do together.

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Kids acting out the nativity scene in their front yard as a way of sharing the Good News with neighbors this Christmas.


Hugh Halter: An Apostle’s Story

Do apostles still walk among us today? Are there people God sends to proclaim the Good News to the lost and broken, sparking new movements and bringing his Kingdom to life here on Earth?

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar talks with his close friend, author, and modern apostle, Hugh Halter. Hugh’s story of starting fresh in a new city will inspire you to see that God is still actively building His Kingdom—and maybe He’s inviting you to be part of it, too!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why Hugh chose to uproot his family from comfort and move to a broken, struggling community.
  • The key difference between “planting a church” and “planting the gospel.”
  • How a network of small, micro-communities focused on blessing others is transforming a Midwestern city.
  • Powerful lessons on trusting God when his call feels overwhelming.


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Hugh Halter: An Apostle's Story


Gratitude, Grace, and the Gospel

Gratitude is more than delighting in a gift; it is a feeling of happiness directed toward a person for giving you something good. Growing in our ability to consistently be grateful and express gratitude is not only life-changing but is part of becoming a mature disciple of Jesus.

This episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast examines the connection between gratitude, grace, and the Gospel. You’ll discover how expressing gratitude for the giver–not just the good gift–connects our hearts deeper to that person and is a picture of the gospel in and of itself.

Think of the godliest people you know, the people you most respect, other mature Believers you want to emulate and imitate. Almost certainly, the people you are thinking of are grateful people. Cynics, complainers, and critics may be popular on social media and late-night television, but they do not make great heroes of the faith.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How expressing gratitude actually changes us physically.
  • What a lack of gratitude and a tendency to focus on the negative leads to.
  • How even spending a few minutes with a truly grateful person changes lives.
  • Immediate, hand-held steps you can take to grow in expressing gratitude.


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Gratitude, Grace and the Gospel experienced as a family around the Thanksgiving table.



I am the author of the top selling book, The Gospel Primer. My latest books, Transformed and Small is Big, Slow is Fast came out recently on Zondervan.

I help those with a high commitment to intentional living in the areas of their discipleship, family and mission acquire the leadership skills and tools necessary to succeed and leave a lasting legacy.