Caesar Kalinowski

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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple

Jumpstarting, Restarting or Resurrecting Your Missional Community

Authentic faith lived in a vibrant missional community can be a hard thing to find, create and maintain. There comes a time for all of us when we may need to look at jumpstarting or re-starting some of the basics.

Whether it’s the busyness of holidays, the start of a new year, or things have just sort of fizzled out, there a few simple yet intentional rhythms you can dive into that can make all the difference and will get you and your missional community back on track. (more…)

Want a Crazy Early Jumpstart on New Year Goal Setting?

If you are a little freaked at how quickly the past year has flown by, join the club. The Home Depot has had Christmas lights up for 6+ weeks already, yikes!

Have you had an amazing year of accomplishing all that you hoped for? Or has procrastination, lack of clarity and election fatigue thrown you off  course a little?

goal settingLearning and Relearning a Few Things

Our team has been meeting this week working on goal setting and plans for next year. My mind and prayers are soaring with the possibilities the New Year holds for life and mission. (more…)

How to See Discipleship and Mission Become Movements

Transformation. It’s the core of true discipleship and all missional endeavors. And transformation leads to movements. Is there a powerful connection between all of these?

If you want to see movement, from one thing to another, from unbelief to belief, from static to active, from traditional to missional, from consumerism to active participation… here are five steps that all movements follow. And we can’t afford to miss a single step!
[Read on to get free resources] (more…)

Want to stop sinning? Here’s how to get started.

Where does sin come from? Why do we still sin even after we have acknowledged something as sin, and perhaps, repented of it over and over?

I cannot believe I did that again!

My friend and author Tim Chester shared this with a group of us and it forever changed my view of sin.

“Sinful acts always have their origin in some form of unbelief–behind every sin is a lie. The root of all our behavior and emotions is the heart, what it trusts and what it treasures. People are given over to sinful desires because ‘they exchanged the truth of God for a lie.”



I am the author of the top selling book, The Gospel Primer. My latest books, Transformed and Small is Big, Slow is Fast came out recently on Zondervan.

I help those with a high commitment to intentional living in the areas of their discipleship, family and mission acquire the leadership skills and tools necessary to succeed and leave a lasting legacy.