Caesar Kalinowski

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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple

Pastors: Stop Doing 80% of What You’re Doing!

If you’re a pastor, much of what fills your week may not be bearing the fruit you think. It’s easy to get stuck on a hamster wheel of tasks—some self-imposed, others added by others—that drain your energy and resources over time.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’re exploring why most leaders should STOP doing 80% of what they’re currently doing. You may be facing your biggest opportunity yet to reset your schedule and refocus disciple-making in your church.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why doing less may be the key to your church’s future.
  • The difference between physical exhaustion and emotional depletion.
  • How to identify your true values and what truly motivates you.
  • Practical steps to create your “stop-doing list.”

Get started here…

A young pastor holds up his hand indicating a stop to wasting his time on the wrong activities.


Surprise! You Are the Missionary In Your Neighborhood

There are all kinds of people with varying beliefs living around us. Some of them we notice and some of them we never see. But I can guarantee you one thing for sure. There is a missionary living in your neighborhood.

Growing up as part of the church, there was huge map in the lobby where we worshipped on Sundays–a map of the world with pins all over it. Each pin corresponding to an 8×10 picture next to the map. (more…)

Leading With a Missional Mindset: 10 Ways to Stay Focused

The word “missional” isn’t outdated or irrelevant. It still means living with a radical focus on making disciples of Jesus in everyday life—our unchanging mission as the church.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’re tackling the distractions that pull leaders away from a true “missional mindset.” We’ll explore why a consistent discipleship focus matters, especially if you’re a pastor or leading a missional community.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How your view of the gospel shapes your mindset and focus.
  • Why discipleship is not something just preached about on Sunday.
  • 10 ways people with a missional mindset live and lead.
  • How our language impacts what others think Christianity is about.

Get started here…

A pastor opens his mind–and head– to literally replace his church-maintenance mindset with a missional mindset.


Stop Wasting Your Most Valuable Opportunity For Discipleship With Your Kids

Everyone I know feels maxed out on their schedules and with the commitments they already have. Yet we are all living with a rhythm that provides one of the most valuable and reoccurring opportunities for discipleship in our families: Family dinner.

Family Dinner Night
What if your family dinners could be re-tooled and repurposed with a new intentionality that made them more fun, more focused and a perfect way to naturally disciple your kids and your selves? Let me show you some things that Team K (my family) and I have learned. [Click Here to get my Leading Your Family & Community on Mission eGuide to help you get started.]

Christian Accountability: Pitfalls and Promises

We often hear the word ‘accountability’ thrown around in Christian circles. For some, it can hold deep meaning and value; for others, it can conjure up feelings of failure, shame, or defeat.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk about how accountability relationships are not all good or beneficial… but they can be! We’ll give you several steps toward participating in gospel-centered accountability that can transform your life.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why most people shy away from accountability relationships (and should).
  • How many people hide their true selves while pretending to be accountable.
  • 8 Accountability Group killers to avoid.
  • What powerful, gospel-centered accountability looks and sounds like.

Get started here…

Two Christian men in loving accountability with each other.



I am the author of the top selling book, The Gospel Primer. My latest books, Transformed and Small is Big, Slow is Fast came out recently on Zondervan.

I help those with a high commitment to intentional living in the areas of their discipleship, family and mission acquire the leadership skills and tools necessary to succeed and leave a lasting legacy.