Are You Really a Friend of Sinners?

Far too often I’ve heard Christians say, somewhat sheepishly, but with a hint of self-righteousness, that they really have nothing in common with non-Christians. That’s why they don’t have many (or any) not-yet believing friends.

Or they tell me that they don’t hang out with lost people, or allow their kids to, because they are trying to remain “holy” and don’t want to become polluted by the world. And to those objections I almost want to laugh and ask them if they have ever really read their Bibles or have you looked in a mirror recently?

Scripture and virtually all of history have shown us that if there is one thing we have most in common with every other human being, it’s our own sinful nature. Yet usually we let other’s sins define them and divide us, when in fact we are all sinners in need of a savior. We’re all dying, literally, and in need of rescue. We’re just alike.  (more…)

Shifting Your Small Groups to Vibrant Missional Communities

Around the world thousands of churches have loads of people involved in what we’ve come to know as “small groups”. And that’s a good thing. But often these groups can become very inward focused–not a lot of outward or missional impulse. It’s time to shift those small groups to missional communities!

Transitioning small groups or community groups to missional communities is much more than a name change. It’s much more than a weekly meeting (of mostly Christians) and it’s not just a monthly service project added in and called “mission”.  (more…)

Are You Leading With a Missional Mindset?

The word “missional” is not a dirty word, out of fashion, or dead. It still means today: living radically focused on the mission of discipleship; making more disciples of Jesus in everyday life. That’s our only mission as the church, and it will always be that way.

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we look at distractions and loss of focus, and regardless of what you call it, we talk about having a “missional mindset” and the importance of that discipleship focus, especially if you’re a pastor or leading a community group, etc.

leading with missional mindset


Discipleship and Mission in a Rural Context

Jesus’ call and command to ‘go and make disciples’ means everywhere and is for everyone. If you are living under the false belief that, “This missional lifestyle just won’t work in our context,” this episode is for you! (Regardless of where you live.)

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we look at discipleship and mission in a rural context. Our guest, Drew Speroni, along with his wife Sabrina and their kids, have engaged in some pretty unique rhythms as a family to see people come to know Jesus and create a missional community in their setting.

mission in rural context


Maybe You’ve Never Really Tried “Missional”

Many church leaders think they’ve tried “missional community” before, and it failed. But actually… maybe they haven’t. Often, they’ve only tried more religion and new “DO to BE” activities with hipper language. That won’t get it done!

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we look at the difference between talking a good missional game and really living in a community that is radically focused on discipleship as a lifestyle.

you've never tried missional


Who Broke the Missional Movement?

About a decade ago, the “missional movement” promised to transform the Church and make loads of new disciples. It was supposed to break down barriers in our culture, stopping the decline of church attendance nationwide. So who broke the missional movement?

Unfortunately, the answer may be closer than we think.  (more…)


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