Missional Community: Neighborhood or Network?

When making disciples in community, a common strategy question arises: Should we have a Missional Community that is only neighborhood-based, or should we start a Missional Community that’s relationally network-based?

In this episode, Caesar lays out the advantages and disadvantages of both neighborhood and networked-based approaches to community building. And the importance of creating organized and organic rhythms whichever way you go.

Missional Community Neighborhood Network


Restarting Your Missional Community Rhythms

Our best intentions don’t always stay that intentional, and the stuff of life (plus this past year of social distancing) has derailed even our best efforts at living together in a missional community.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar will give you a few simple, intentional rhythms that you can dive into that will make all the difference, and get you and your community back on track.

restarting missional community


Disciple Making: 10 Things That May Be Stopping You

As the Church, it’s pretty common to assume the things we’ve seen as barriers to discipleship and life in community are unique to our own context, neighborhood, or circumstances. That’s just not true!

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar talks about 10 things that may be keeping you and the folks in your church from making disciples and really living on mission with God in everyday life.

Disciple Making


Stop Waiting! Bloom Where You’re Planted

With all of the changes we’ve seen in life over the past several months, many people I know have sort of stalled in their disciple-making and living life on mission. Everything is different and many seem to have lost their way and are feeling a bit stuck. Waiting…

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar gives you 7 things to help get you unstuck, be encouraged, and start to bloom where you’re planted.

bloom where you're planted


Looking Back To Move Our Church Forward

Church leaders are navigating great changes and conflict today. It may be the way forward requires a serious look back at the patterns and promises of Jesus.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar shares a good bit of his own story on how God moved him from traditional vocational church ministry to living a life on mission. This will encourage you not to despise the day of small beginnings!

move our church forward


Gospel Fluency: A Relational Game-changer!

There’s this crazy thing that most of us Christians live with (I know I did…) where we have a hard time sharing our faith or even speaking to other Christians about their sin without feeling like a jerk or fearing their rejection.

A relational killer!

Have you ever wished you could share your Christian faith with others… in a more natural way, without feeling awkward or preachy? (more…)


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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple