[SPECIAL] Finding the Right Missional Balance

With so many changes to the schedule and rhythms of the Church these days, it can be hard to determine what people really need. If we’re not careful, we’ll create new “busy stuff” for everyone to do and miss the true mission of the Church.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, I am sharing Day 4 of the Everyday Disciple Challenge – Embracing The New Normal. This is the audio from the Live training we did online. Discover how Jesus balanced his time and attention as he moved his disciples from curious onlookers to mature disciple-makers. (Answers the “How do we do this?” question.)

right missional balance


Is Missional Church (Still) Our Best Option?

It may be hard to believe… The “missional movement” began over 20 years ago. With it came the hope to transform the Church and make loads of new disciples. Did it happen? Is it happening? 

In this episode, Caesar confronts the massive shift we’re seeing as the western church emerges from the pandemic with a question: Should you be steering your family or church community toward missional living today?

mission post-pandemic


Introverts and Extroverts on Mission Post-pandemic

Once upon a time, we had a wide world of socializing opportunities. But the COVID pandemic made many of our common social interactions dangerous, or legally impossible, shrinking our relational connections significantly. And some people enjoyed that change.

In this episode, Caesar discusses how introverts and extroverts are engaging discipleship and mission differently as social restrictions have started to loosen up.

mission post-pandemic


Beware These 7 Community Relationship Killers

Life in a community on God’s mission is messy. It just is. Lots of relational dynamics come into play… hopes, fears, preferences, etc. Things will get complicated when you have humans working together!

In this episode, Caesar gives you 7 community relationship killers that you’ll want to watch for and avoid. You’re going to need this!

community relationship killers


How You Communicate Vision & Values Shape Mission

Most churches have a vision statement with values listed out that they’ve put a lot of work into creating. They might even have their people regularly stand and recite them. But is your vision compelling enough that people will give their lives to it?

In this episode, Caesar gives you a radical understanding of how your vision and values can shape the mission of your church, community, or family. And he’ll share a process for crafting a vision statement that will transform your ministry.

vision values shape mission


Micro Church, House Church, Simple Church. What’s the Difference?

It is becoming increasingly popular for churches to pioneer new models of “micro church”. You may know them by various names, but these intentionally simple, streamlined expressions of the church are often small, volunteer-led, and casual. Could this be the answer for post-congregational Christians?

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar is joined by Gino Curcuruto, as they discuss these new micro church experiences. Are they all the same thing with different names, or are there real, important differences and goals behind each?

micro church house church simple church difference



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