How Leaders Keep from Tapping Out, Burning Out or Being Disqualified
My good buddy Hugh Halter and I have sort of been rejoicing and commiserating lately as to how long we’ve actually been doing ministry (in its various forms) and trying to lead others in a lifestyle of discipleship and mission. Man, we’re getting old bro!
Becoming a Journeymen
And we wrestled with the things that we feel have allowed us to stay in the game for the long haul and not tap out, burn out or disqualify ourselves. How did we come to be “Journeymen”?
There have been similar patterns to our journeys and we’ve actually come up with seven things that we believe all leaders need to commit to in order to stay in and finish well. We’ve come to articulate them in the form of “oaths” that every leader should commit to. Let me share the second of the seven…
#2 “I Commit to Move at God’s Pace and Measure what God Measures.”
If we’re going to be leaders that last and not chase hard after the latest fads, public (or elder board) opinions and wrong measurements, we’re going to need to commit to letting God set the speed and metrics.
A Pattern and a Promise
There is a reason Jesus lived and taught in the ways he did. He wasn’t random or cleverly trying to adapt to the local customs of his day. Yes, his methods were rooted in real life and they were immersed into his culture, but there was something far more eternal and subversive going on. Jesus was on his Father’s mission, restoring all things to the way he originally created them to be. His life and teachings provide both the example for us and open up a new possibility—for people to once again live in a close relationship with God under his rule and reign. Jesus taught in parables that offered his disciples (and us) a pattern and a promise for life in the kingdom: “For who hath despised the day of small things?”i [clickToTweet tweet=”There is a reason Jesus lived and taught in the ways he did. He was on his Father’s mission.” quote=”There is a reason Jesus lived and taught in the ways he did. He was on his Father’s mission.”]
In Luke 13 we encounter Jesus explaining how the good news of the kingdom—what we commonly refer to as the gospel—works itself out, starting with the basic principle small is big.
Jesus asked, “What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches.”ii
The pattern here is clear and simple. This new kingdom restoration doesn’t start off big, with everyone jumping on board. Notice that Jesus tells us that the little mustard seed is first planted in the man’s own garden. After it is planted, it grows into something larger, something that others can find their place in. There are many small steps on the journey to a kingdom life lived with Jesus on his mission. All of your steps will be baby steps at first.
The promise is also clear. After the good news of the kingdom takes root and changes your own heart, Jesus promises it will expand outward to include others. The seemingly small first steps you take to cultivate growth in your own life will grow over time and have a larger effect on others.
We are not called to build elaborate, structured programs and systems and then expect lots of people to come on in and fill them up for us. Instead, we are to plant small (gospel) seeds that will eventually grow into changed lives, changed families, and changed communities.
Small is big. It’s important to remember this if you plan to stay in ministry and on mission. That’s the first kingdom principle that Jesus taught. But it wasn’t the only one. Continuing with his disciples, Jesus taught them another kingdom code: slow is fast.
Again he [Jesus] asked, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.”iii
The pattern: Like yeast, a catalyst for change and growth, the gospel begins to affect our lives slowly at first, igniting a change within us that influences every aspect of our existence.
The promise: The good news of the kingdom is about more than just our afterlife, what happens to us when we die. Christianity is about more than sin, heaven, and hell. Jesus’ kingdom rule and reign is present now, and it transforms everything about us. It changes our perspectives and priorities, our motives and methods. Living on God’s mission of making disciples is about small shifts in belief and practice that over time make a big difference. Just as a ball of dough takes time to rise, we need to be patient with God’s process of change and growth in our hearts and lives. Slow is fast.
Multiplication Wins!
There is an underlying principle in both of these parables, a goal that these two principles lead to: multiplication. The good news of Jesus’ kingdom rule and reign is not just about the small changes in your life that lead to transformation over time, nor is it simply a matter of taking time and having the patience to do the right things. Both of these parables teach us that life in the kingdom always leads to multiplication. And multiplication always beats out hard work, sacrifice, and big goals and dreams, eventually changing the world.
It is interesting to me that in Matthew’s gospel, right after he records these two parables, he shows Jesus continuing on with back-to-back parables on how valuable the kingdom of God is:
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”iv
After sharing these two short parables, Jesus wraps up his teaching time with the disciples by telling them a final parable about some fishermen who let down their nets to catch “all kinds of fish.”
This would have likely reminded them of an earlier time when Jesus commanded Peter and his buddies to throw out their nets after a long night of fishing.v When they pulled the nets back into their boat, they were overflowing with fish to the point of breaking! The fishermen were amazed at this miracle, and it’s almost as if Jesus is saying to them, “That’s how I roll!” He wants them to understand that the kingdom life will always lead to expansion and abundance. He is saying to them, “Healthy things grow. They multiply. And that’s how God has ordered all of life. And I am going to show you how to live this way and teach others as well.”
Ok, so there’s the first part of this “Journeymen” oath. As leaders we really need to see the world–God’s world–and ministry the way that Jesus says it truly works. We need to move at God’s pace.
Small is big, slow is fast and multiplication wins every time.
Next week I’ll lay part two of this on you: Measure what God measures.
If you’re interested in a unique environment where we teach you all 7 of the Journeymen Oaths, join me and Hugh Halter at his ranch.
Missional Leadership at the next level… The things you’ll wish you had talked about 10 years from now–TODAY!
Hope to see you soon…
Caesar & Hugh
[Comments from my old website/blog were not carried over to this new one. Please leave your thoughts below.]
What’s The Big Deal With Gay Marriage?
A friend of mine recently asked, “Is it possible to be fundamentally ‘for’ someone holistically, but disagree with or oppose some aspects of their personality, behavior, lifestyle, or identity?” A great question! What do you think?
Have you ever had someone in your life that you really loved and care for yet there were, or are, aspects of their lives, personality, or choices and preferences that you don’t agree with or want for yourself…or them? Of course! We all have. If you have kids you really know what I’m talking about. Here are a few of the answers I got when I posted this question on Facebook a couple days ago…
My friend Genevieve said, “Isn’t that marriage?”
Eric said, “Yes! We don’t get to say I accept 80% of someone. We are either for them or against. I either love you or I don’t. My wife is holistically for me even though there are plenty of aspects of my character that could use improvement.”
Dana says, “You can love a person without loving every aspect of them.”
And my friend Angela really nailed it when she posted, “I find that when I focus on a person’s inherent worth (by proxy of them being a created being) and their dignity, I can be for them in many, many ways. I also find that so many days I have to “default” to love as my core driving value–not being right, not knowing right, not knowing better. There is so much power in love!”
Good stuff and a good dialogue without everyone freaking out and throwing stones.
It’s a crying shame that in our nation today it is automatically assumed that if we don’t agree with someone’s choices or views that we must be apposed to THEM. Like we are against them as a person. Why? That is not always, and perhaps rarely the case. I think that this is unfortunately at the heart of much of the debate and consternation today surrounding homosexuality, gay rights and now same sex marriage.
You see, my friend was asking his question in the context of the recent Supreme Court ruling in favor of same sex marriage nation wide. And as you know there has been quite the uproar on both sides of this and everyone is weighing in with an opinion. I know some of you are wanting me to come down hard and clear on one side of the issue or the other.
And I will here…I think.
But I want to address a part of the issue that I have heard no one address and I think it is central to what’s really at hand. I think it’s the big deal. But I have to say I do so with a bit of fear. I am afraid to be lumped in with the crazy haters out there. I am afraid of being shunned by my own tribe if they don’t fully agree with what I say. It could happen. And it probably will.
Please, whatever side of these issues you are on know that I am ‘for’ you. I am not against you. I would really love to have this discussion face to face, over a meal or long walk. And know too, that I want, no I need to know your story before I can really have any opinion as it specifically pertains to you and your choices. I don’t have that, so what I am going to say is very general in nature. It has to be. At least for now and in this format.[clickToTweet tweet=”If people disagree or choose different lifestyles than us, it does not make them enemies.” quote=”If people disagree or choose different lifestyles than us, it does not make them enemies.”]
Here goes. As I’ve already said, if people disagree or choose different lifestyles, it does not make them enemies. Our battles in life are not against each other in flesh and blood. Don’t go there. And here is my real issue with this whole debate: I think that most of it misses the point entirely. What we do does not equal who we are. Our choices do not equal our identity. I know that’s the way of this world, but it’s a lie. Our identity comes from something completely different–from someone completely different than us.
A person that chooses to have sex with another person of the same gender is called gay or homosexual. That stems from their actions, preferences or choices. But that is not their identity any more than because I drive a Chevy my identity is “I’m a Chevy” and therefore if you don’t like Chevys or prefer other manufacturers, then we’re against each other. I have been angry in my life but that does not define me. I choose to drink alcohol at times and others do not, but I am not a “drunk”. That is not my identity or who I am. Those are choices. And regardless if you think someones choices are considered sin in the Bible or not, those choices do not define them. Look in the mirror. Do your sins define you? Do other’s disagreements with you define who you are? I sure hope not.
So for me, it doesn’t matter if someone believes that their gender or sexual partners define them, or they believe they were born with those preferences, or if it is someone else trying to label them a certain way, I have to say that all of those are missing the issue behind the issue. All of us need to believe we are created in the image of a loving, gracious and generous God and find our identity in that, as well as let it inform how we see and treat each other. We love others because we are all created in the same image of God!
That’s the real issue. At least as I see it. The next best time to believe the truth about who or what defines our identity is now. God loves all of his kids and so should we. He doesn’t love everything we do, but he loves who we are!
And that’s a big deal.
[Comments from my old website/blog were not carried over to this new one. Please leave your thoughts below.]
Story of God
Get Free Training
You can also get Story of God training and free story sets here. [clickToTweet tweet=”Can you really tell the story of the Bible in under 8 minutes? You sure can. Watch this!” quote=”Can you really tell the story of the Bible in under 8 minutes? You sure can. Watch this!”]
Watch or share this Story of God video on Youtube.
Question: How does the Story of God challenge the way you have thought about God, your own life, and the Church? Please leave your thoughts below.
Your Story…God’s Story
Our favorite singers, songwriters, comedians, preachers, or public speakers all have one thing in common: they know how to tell a good story. And when they finish telling a story I feel connected to it–and them–in some profound way. I can relate in laughter or tears, in agreement or disagreement, but I connect powerfully with the stories they tell.
That’s how it works in the rest of our lives too.
We get to know each other and build friendships by sharing our stories. We are bound together by common themes and the things we have jointly experienced. In fact that is how relationship and community happens…our common stories connect us, and bind us together.
Deep down inside, even if we can’t explain it, we all yearn to be connected to a BIGGER story, to have our lives make a difference and be connected to something more. That is because our lives are all actually part of a much, much larger story. And there is ONE dominant Story that all of our stories will ultimately find their place in and finally be complete because of…that’s God’s Story.
His Story comes before, finishes, corrects, and ultimately makes sense of all other stories.[clickToTweet tweet=”Every part of our own story, and everyone else’s, is actually a reflection of the Story of God.” quote=”Every part of our own story, and everyone else’s, is actually a reflection of the Story of God.”]
Every part of our own story, and everyone else’s, is actually a reflection of the Story of God. That is how God has designed things. Our life story, and all of the little pieces that make it up, actually follow the same pattern found in God’s story throughout the Bible, here’s what that looks like:
That’s a pretty quick 4–scene version of the story found in the Bible.
In order to effectively share who God is, what he’s up to in this world and how he’s changing our life, we must learn how to tell our stories through the lens of this larger Story.
Let me quickly share, in each of these scenes, one question that you’ll need to try and answer as you tell your story:
CREATION: The Key Question here is: Who or What most shaped who you thought you were, and where you got your real value and “identity” in life from?
FALL: The Key Question here is: Why was your relationship with God and others, (and anything else in your life), NOT the way it was supposed to be–like God created it to be? How where you rebelling against God and his ways?
REDEMPTION: The Key Question here is: How has Jesus taken the penalty for your rebellion on himself and how you came to put your faith and trust in Him to redeem and restore your life to the way God intended it to be?
RESTORATION: The Key Question here is: What has changed and what is changing in your life now? AND… Who and what is the focus of your life today?
That should help get you started in the right direction…
One more thing: Unfortunately, often when we Christians tell our stories (usually called “sharing our testimony”) we give very little evidence to the fact that we needed to be rescued and restored by God for his glory and Kingdom purposes. And if we do mention God or Jesus in our story, we’ll probably tell of some experience we had at a church service or youth camp…saying a special prayer… Then we talk about how much better our life is going today. And to tell the truth, we don’t usually make ourselves look that bad, and we don’t make God look all that good. We are the primary focus, the hero in our story, but we’re sorta thankful for God’s help along the way.[clickToTweet tweet=”We must learn to tell our story in a way that God is the hero.” quote=”We must learn to tell our story in a way that God is the hero.”]
However, we can learn to tell our stories in a way that shows God is the hero of the story! and will be both salt and light to others; salty like potato chips–after getting started they’ll want to hear more; and light that illuminates a path toward new life with Jesus. So if you’ve been shy in telling your faith story to others or making yourself out to be better than you really are…the next best time to make your story part of THE story is now.
Here’s a link to a free resource: My Gospel Story that will completely expand on all of this and walk you through creating your own story. I hope that helps. I would love to here your story when you finish it!
[Comments from my old website/blog were not carried over to this new one. Please leave your thoughts below.]
Family Dinner Night
My wife Tina and I, have for years, been living out our spirituality–our faith–with others in community. I’m not talking about the “church we go to” but rather intentional community with others that’s focused on living like Jesus would live if he were walking around our neighborhood today.
A big part of living like a family with others is eating together, and OFTEN!
As if it is carved into sacred stone, our extended family–we call it our missional community–gets together for a weekly family dinner night.
These collaborative meals are usually simple, sometimes elaborate, often thrown together, but always warm and full of acceptance. It is a needed bright spot in our week and a time when anyone and everyone are invited in everyone is always invited. At times we will take communion together and go around speaking Good News to each other, pushing back the hurts and disappointments of the week and reminding one another of what is now true of us because of Jesus. Afterward, everyone helps clean up, making sure there is no leftover mess.
As a family, we practice an “open door policy” with one another. I know that I can stop by the home or apartment of those in my community at any time and it will be no big deal. It works in reverse too; my friends know that they can stop by our house any time (I’ve noticed that the single guys seem to practice this more around dinnertime).
This may freak you out a little. You may be thinking, “Whoa, how do you have any time to yourself.
What about boundaries?
There have been times when my wife, Tina, and I are sitting on the couch in the evening having a glass of wine together and the doorbell will ring. “Hey, Caesar. Hi, Tina. What are you guys doing tonight?” And I will say, “Hey, Nick, how you doing brother? Tina and I were just sitting here watching this romantic comedy together and I, um, was kind of hoping for a happy ending…if you know what I mean. So unless there is some emergency or you really need us right now, let’s get together tomorrow if that’s cool.”
Because of the openness and trust we have with one another, there is not only the freedom to open our homes, but we also have the freedom to say “Thanks for stopping by, but now’s not a great time.” We all know this and respect this reality.
But sometimes it’s hard!
Living like this could really spin-off in a bad direction if we don’t live with a focus on the Good News and live with intentionality. If my life is all about my comfort and feeding my preferences, then all of that stuff would be frightening and impossible to sustain. But in light of the love we have been shown, it is a pleasure and a blast to live in ways that show what our real, true heavenly Dad is really like.
Sure it would have been great if someone would have shared these ideas with you or led you into this way of thinking and living years ago, but as always, the next best time to begin…is now!
Question: What’s keeping you from hosting a weekly family dinner for your friends and community? If you’re doing it already, what are you experiencing?