Are You Wasting Time Developing the Wrong People?

I’ve spent decades discipling and developing leaders. While there has certainly been fruit and multiplication, for years it seemed that the amount of effort I was putting into training up leaders wasn’t yielding a proportionate harvest. I wonder how often I’ve spent time developing the wrong people?

In my earliest experiences with starting missional communities and planting churches, I learned that I had to keep my eye on the prize of ongoing leadership development. It had to remain a high priority. We equipped everyone in community in the same way as we tried to raise a new crop of leaders. (more…)

3 Simple Words That Will Change Your Life

If you feel like you have to have the “master plan” before ever making a decision, making disciples or getting started in something new, I want to share three simple words that will change your life forever.

Let me share this simple process that I’ve come to call “What next, Lord?”

This works the same in every area of life, really, but let me tell you a story to illustrate how we’ve come to use this in making disciples and living on mission.

[Download this as a printable transcript and also get my free personal ‘What next, Lord?’ Prayer Journal Template]


How To Include Your Kids In a Missional Community

The Church is a family, always has been, and it is vital that we learn how to include everyone in the mission that God has called us to. Even (or especially) our kids.

One of the most often asked questions I get is what to do with kids in a missional, or incarnational community. This can seem tough, but it doesn’t have to be. My answer usually starts off with a few questions:  (more…)

Stop Wasting Your Most Valuable Opportunity For Discipleship With Your Kids

Everyone I know feels maxed out on their schedules and with the commitments they already have. Yet we are all living with a rhythm that provides one of the most valuable and reoccurring opportunities for discipleship in our families: Family dinner.

Family Dinner Night
What if your family dinners could be re-tooled and repurposed with a new intentionality that made them more fun, more focused and a perfect way to naturally disciple your kids and your selves? Let me show you some things that Team K (my family) and I have learned. [Click Here to get my Leading Your Family & Community on Mission eGuide to help you get started.]

Ask Caesar #2

A few weeks ago I tried something new here, and it seemed that you all liked it and benefitted from it, so today I thought I’d try it again and answer a couple more of your questions in another segment of “Ask Caesar”.

Let’s get started… our friend Terry asks, “How do you lead complacent Christians to actually want to live on mission and make disciples? I struggle with that!”

No kidding, right Terry?!


Ask Caesar #1

I get a lot of questions from many of my readers and those I train and coach, so today I thought I would answer a couple of those questions in a segment that I will call, “Ask Caesar”. Pretty original, right? 🙂 I hope you like this and find it helpful.

Let’s give this a spin…I’ve got a couple of great questions here that are actually somewhat related. And they are both really important! (more…)


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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple