Lifeschool 103: How To Beat The Fear Of Rejection

Why do we fear rejection and often times feel like weirdos when we try to talk about spiritual topics or even come close to ‘sharing our faith’?  In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast Caesar and Heath discuss the main reasons people get so scared and freaked out.

Beat the Fear of Rejection

We’ll also give 3 Quick Tips that you can use to change that forever. Get started now…


Lifeschool Podcast – Making Faith and Life Fit Together

Our Christian faith doesn’t have to be relegated to Sunday mornings and a few other special “ministry events”. You don’t want that, and we won’t change the world that way. I’m excited to announce my new podcast–LifeSchool: Making Faith and Life Fit Together.

Lifeschool Podcast

In the Lifeschool Podcast we’ll show you (in about 25 minutes per episode) how the good news of the Gospel, and our Christian faith, can naturally and confidently be woven into any and every area of life.

Each episode is pretty fast-paced, and even though it’s serious stuff, it can be funny too. We always wrap up with clear action steps for you to take away in the “Big Three” (more…)

Are You Beating Yourself Up With Religion?

If you’re not experiencing the joy and freedom you once did in your faith, it may be that you are beating yourself up with religion instead of believing and living out of the true gospel of grace. Let me explain:

I’ve heard it said that religion is a set of practices and beliefs–a system–of pursuing and maintaining a relationship with God.

Ok, sounds technically right…  (more…)

Life in a True Gospel-Centered Community: Kirstan’s Story

Life in a vibrant gospel-centered community –a missional community– is an amazing thing to experience. It’s something I believe we were all created to enjoy. But what does this really look like? How is it different than your current church or small group situation? Let me tell you a true story that will help illustrate the beauty of this.

A Broken Family

Good friends of mine, Greg and Mary, came to faith and become part of our community a few years back. They pretty immediately began to loop others into this life with us as they learned to live as full-time missionaries. One of the very first families that Greg and his wife Mary began to invite into their lives was a 16-year-old girl named Kirstan and her widowed mother, Julianna. They had a pretty rough story. (more…)

3 Easy Questions Quickly Turn Strangers Into Friends

Making new friends or transitioning a group of unrelated relationships into a community can be a challenge. Or feel uncomfortable. However, people are all the same and desire growing connections within any circle of acquaintances. I want to show you how you can easily help facilitate this.

I have used these three questions many times to break the ice and kill the awkwardness of things. They lead to great conversation, a lot of laughs, and a pretty quickly turn strangers into friends. [Be sure to get my 3 Easy Questions Cheat Sheet.]

How Do I Get Started Teaching My Family to Live Out Our Faith in Everyday Life With Others?

Today, I answer the question: “How do I get started teaching my own family to live out our faith in normal, everyday life with others? What are the very first baby-steps I should take?”

This is an important question Frank, because regardless of where we’re at in our faith journey or family age and stage of life, truly making disciples and living out our faith in everyday life with others starts right in our own home. (more…)


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