Lifeschool 131: What Causes Sin and How to Stop It

“Just stop it!” doesn’t really work when it comes to changing sinful actions, habits, or thoughts in our lives (or in others). And perhaps what you’ve been taught about sin and repentance is all wrong…

Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we talk about where sin really comes from and how we can move away from our particular brand of sin and find freedom. What if all sin is actually a symptom of something else?

what causes sin

Lifeschool 130: How to Make the Gospel Beautiful and Relatable

Many in our churches have spent years listening to sermons, studying theology and reading the Word of God, yet still feel intimidated or unable to naturally express the good news of the Gospel into normal life, conversations, and circumstances.

Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we’ll give you a proven way to make the gospel beautiful, relatable, and reproducible.

how to make the gospel beautiful

Lifeschool 128: Where Was God During Hurricane Harvey?

Last week saw one of the greatest natural disasters to ever hit America. Thousands of families have lost everything they own, and lives were lost. In times like this it is understandable to wonder, or ask, “Where was God during hurricane Harvey?” In this episode of Lifeschool, we discuss this question and what our response as God’s family might look and sound like when disaster strikes.

We’ll also suggest a way to give financially to help the victims of this horrendous tragedy.

hurricane harvey

Lifeschool 127: Decision Fatigue: How to Make Better Decisions

Do you ever feel like if you have to answer one more question or make another decision today your head is going to pop off? Does it seem harder to remain patient with others as the day wears on? In this episode of Lifeschool, we talk about the concept of “decision fatigue,” why it may be the culprit for many of your bad decisions, and why we often find it hard to stay on mission.


Lifeschool 126: How Money Affects Your Significance and Security

Jesus talks about money and related issues of the heart more than he talks about heaven and hell or pretty much anything else. Pretty interesting, huh? In this episode of Lifeschool, we look at how our ultimate understanding of the gospel affects how we view and use money. And how our generosity flows from our understanding of grace.

money affects significance


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