Lifeschool 141: How to Apologize the Right (and Wrong) Way

In the past few weeks we’ve seen a lot of public officials and celebrity types faced with accusations of wrongdoing, misconduct and unethical behavior. We would hope that all of these people would start with a good old fashioned apology, but many don’t.

It is doubtful that you’ll ever be faced with such public accusations, but hurts in relationships come up for all of us. In this episode of Lifeschool, we’ll show how to apologize the right…and wrong ways.

How to Apologize the Right Way

Lifeschool 137: The 3 Seductions: Appetite, Ambition & Approval

Temptation is everywhere. Heck, it’s even lurking inside of me! And all of us, at some point in our lives, have given into temptations.

Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we talk with author and movement leader Mike Breen about what may lay behind our own particular “Achilles heel” types of temptations. We discuss the 3 seductions of appetite, ambition and approval. Buckle up!

the three seductions

Lifeschool 134: 7 Pillars of Society: How to Change Your World

It’s easy to point fingers at “the culture” and think that it includes everyone else outside of ourselves. But we are the culture… and the culture is us.

Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we talk about how every culture is woven together in some pretty similar ways worldwide, and we’ll look for clues from this so that, as Christians, we can find natural ways to engage “culture” and change the world… or at least your corner of it!

how to change your world

Lifeschool 133: How to Start a Missional Community From Scratch

Starting a missional community is not about tossing a rope around a few of your closest friends and trying to talk them into living more “missionally” together.

Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we’re talking about some very basic, but super-important steps on how to start a missional community from scratch. Let’s get you started…

start missional community from scratch


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