Church Discipline That Heals, Not Harms

Church discipline is a term found nowhere in the Bible. But it is taught and practiced, often rather harshly. And many have been hurt by churches not doing this correctly. It can be difficult to do in ways that show the love of God. 

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we discuss how to do church discipline in a way that heals and restores… instead of just “handing people over to Satan” and being done with them. 😕

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 18 may surprise you when read in its full context.
  • Who should be involved in doing church discipline and when.
  • What it really means to “turn someone over to Satan”.
  • Practical steps for addressing someone who has sinned against you.

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Two younger women talking as one consoles the other and brings healing and discipline into her life.


Leading Missional Communities Without Falling Apart

Missional community life can be challenging to sustain, and leading one often feels even more complex. How do you know if you and a potential co-leader are truly aligned? What steps should you take to get started? Navigating these questions well can make all the difference in building a thriving, mission-focused community.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll help you determine who you should lead with and how to handle disagreements along the way. Whether you’re working with leaders you’ve developed over time or forming a brand-new team, we’ll explore the key principles that create strong, unified leadership in missional communities

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What healthy missional community (MC) leadership looks like.
  • The best ways to bring up conflict as leaders and how to deal with it.
  • Getting leaders on the same page as to “what the mission is” 
  • How practicing the 23 “one-anothers” from scripture is key to healthy leadership.

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Holding up two puzzle pieces with the sun behind them showing a desire to share in leadership of a missional community.


Missional Community: Have You Really Tried It?

Many churches think they’ve tried starting “missional communities” before, but they failed.  Or they’ve given ‘micro-church’ a try, and that didn’t take off either. But actually… maybe they just exported religious activities!

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we look at the difference between talking a good missional game and really living in a community that is radically focused on discipleship as a lifestyle.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • One of the most common reasons that missional communities fail.
  • Why our best intentions at living on mission often turn into new “law”.
  • The difference between religion and the gospel of grace.
  • How to get the help to make authentic missional living a reality.

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A church pastor or Christian leader contemplates the time it takes to truly live a missional lifestyle in community and make disciples.


Why Our Advice Rarely Helps

Christians can often get into a mindset where we think everything that is wrong or untrue needs to be addressed NOW!  And so with the banner of “speaking the truth in love” flying high over our heads, we dive in with our unsolicited advice.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar explains why most people really don’t want to hear our advice. We’ll look at what motivates a lot of our advice-giving, and learn some best practices for when we do need to offer help and insights to others.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The 4 types of advice that we give to people.
  • Why we feel the need to quickly offer our advice to others.
  • How the gospel speaks into our motivations when giving advice.
  • Best practices so people will want to hear your advice.

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A young woman covers her ears to avoid unwanted advice.


Tithing: Law, Grace, and Generosity

Christians are taught that we should be giving 10% of everything we earn to the church. Is the practice of tithing still in effect for us today, or is it time to reconsider this practice?

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll look at the truth about tithing. Is it biblical? Are we under-giving or over-giving if we are tithing, and how might we give in light of the gospel?

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The 3 types of tithes God mandated Israel to give in the Law.
  • How tithes and offerings were used in the Old Testament.
  • What Jesus taught about giving and how it reflects our hearts.
  • How the Gospel informs our giving and support of the Church today.

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A full offering plate sits next to a Bible.


Discipleship Beyond the Topical Checklist

Wouldn’t it be great if Jesus had just left us his “5 Big Steps” or “3 Important Ingredients” for disciple-making? It would be so much simpler if discipleship in the real world was a little more spelled out and outlined into a few basics.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’re going to show you how discipleship looks less like one big thing or series of classes… and more like a million little things.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why there will never be a perfect set of classes or “one big thing” that adds up to maturity in our churches.
  • How Romans 8:28 helps clarify what God is up to when it comes to our sanctification.
  • Why dependence on the works of the Holy Spirit is crucial in discipleship.
  • Why disciple-making was never meant to be the job of a few professionals.

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A man attempts teaching discipleship through a list of topics from a whiteboard in a classroom.



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