Lifeschool 152: Family Discipleship and Mission Made Simple (Part 1)

Our Christian faith was always meant to be vibrant and lived like a family with others—not a once a week experience. Missional communities are a proven (biblical) way to engage people in normal rhythms of family discipleship and mission… believers and not-yet believers alike.

In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll share Part 1 of seven simple yet important steps you’ll need to lead your folks in so their “faith in practice” becomes more like a family and begins to move outward to include others.

family discipleship and mission

Lifeschool 150: This is Why Your Church Isn’t Growing and Maturing

When we talk about how mature our church is, we often think about age, structures, and programs. But the church is none of those; the Church is people. Are your people mature?

In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about why your church isn’t growing or maturing with our very special guest, Alan Hirsch. Alan is a leading voice in the missional movement of the Christian West and a heck of a great guy!

this is why your church isn't growing

Lifeschool 149: How to Share Your Faith Without Being Weird

If you’re like most people I know, you probably don’t share your faith all that often. It can feel creepy or just plain awkward, and there’s always that fear of rejection.

In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about how to share your faith without being weird and how your “good news” can actually sound like good news to people. (Really.)

share faith without being weird

Lifeschool 148: Who Are You and Why Do You Matter?

The way of the world is: we do things (perform, serve, work, etc) to have value in the eyes of our family, friends, parents, spouse, siblings, boss, pastor, and so on. Out of this activity, we often form our identity and perceived value.

But who God says you are is very different. In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll talk about where your real identity comes from and ask the question: who are you, and why do you matter to God?

who are you why do you matter

Lifeschool 146: Caution: How Your Sunday Service is Confusing People

What would your friends think Jesus is all about if they visited your church? Is the way we’re often “doing church” really communicating what we think it is?

In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll talk about how the medium we often use on Sundays may be overshadowing the message we really want to share about Jesus, our Father and his amazing kingdom.

your sunday service is confusing

Lifeschool 145: How to Start the New Year on the Right Foot

Here comes another opportunity to grow… change… improve our lives and relationships again. The New Year. Are you getting started on resolutions, planning or goal setting to make sure you don’t just sorta slide into another year?

In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll give you some immediate steps to help you live with greater intentionality in the areas of your life that are really important.

how to start new year off right


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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple