Ask Caesar #3

Everyone I know seems busier than ever. Work, car pools, school and life in general all seem to be at odds with living a lifestyle of discipleship and mission. In a very real way these things are all competing for the same hours and minutes each day.

One of my readers, Dale, wrote asking, “I’m trying to learn how to integrate my missional life with my family life – balancing family time with discipling in community; how do I do that without killing my family or never really living on mission in community with others?” (more…)

What You Need to Stop Doing to Make More Disciples

Wouldn’t it be great if you could actually start doing less stuff and make more disciples? Heck yeah!

Many of us are super-busy on mission and with ministry related activities, but may not be focused on the right things that produce the greatest fruit. (more…)

How to See Discipleship and Mission Become Movements

Transformation. It’s the core of true discipleship and all missional endeavors. And transformation leads to movements. Is there a powerful connection between all of these?

If you want to see movement, from one thing to another, from unbelief to belief, from static to active, from traditional to missional, from consumerism to active participation… here are five steps that all movements follow. And we can’t afford to miss a single step!
[Read on to get free resources] (more…)

Are You Measuring What God Measures in Your Life and Ministry?

Last week in my post: How Leaders Keep from Tapping Out, Burning Out or Being Disqualified, I shared with you some of the things that Hugh Halter and I have been learning about being leaders who stay in the game for the long haul.

Man in church alone crop

We looked at the first part of our Journeymen Oath #2: “I Commit to Move at God’s Pace and Measure what God Measures.”

And we saw how important it was to move at a sustainable pace, following Jesus’ teachings on the pattern and the promises from his parables that lead to explosive and sustainable kingdom growth. Small is big, slow is fast and multiplication wins. Now let’s finish up this “oath” and look at metrics and measurements. (more…)

Why You’re Blessed to Be a Blessing

While there are a zillion things I may still want in life, (okay, maybe just a few thousand) my life has certainly been filled with an abundance of blessings and awesomeness. While driving the other night, my wife, Tina, and I spent a little time discussing some of the things we have to be thankful for.

The things on our list may be similar to yours. Things like our relationship with God. How close we are relationally to our grown children and how much fun we’re having these days with all of them. Our home and community. If I went for the long list it would fill several pages and would include many more large blessings ie. health, friendships etc. and smaller things like my iPad, guitars and so on. But there would be a lot.


Are You One of the Cool Kids?

When I was growing up, whether it was hanging around my neighborhood or on the school playground, or spending time with my sisters and cousins during family celebrations, it was important to feel as if I was one of the cool kids—one of the insiders.

No one likes to feel on the outs or be pushed to the margins of the social circle.

We all want to be insiders. (more…)


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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple