Grief According to the Gospel

Throughout scripture, we see that God, magnified in the life of Jesus, grieves. He grieves sin and the effects of sin on humanity and our relationships. Created in God’s image, experiencing grief is part of what makes us human. But not all of us understand how to grieve and help others in their grief.

In this episode, Caesar shows how the Gospel speaks to our grief and why God has given us a wide range of emotions to draw us closer to him. If we’ll let him.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The reasons for God’s grief and our own.
  • Why grief is not only connected to death.
  • Why our goal is not to make grief smaller or get past it quicker.
  • The 5 Stages of Grief and how the Gospel speaks to each.

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Grief According to the Gospel

From this episode:

Death is perhaps the one area in which we still give ourselves permission to grieve. Death is so hard, so final, so at odds with the way God designed us humans to live, that we can’t help but grieve when it occurs. But what about the other effects of sin? What about disease? What about broken relationships? What about corruption? We live in a fallen world filled with brokenness. The effects of sin are all around us.

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