How To Include Your Kids In a Missional Community

The Church is a family, always has been, and it is vital that we learn how to include everyone in the mission that God has called us to. Even (or especially) our kids.

One of the most often asked questions I get is what to do with kids in a missional, or incarnational community. This can seem tough, but it doesn’t have to be. My answer usually starts off with a few questions:  (more…)

Mangled Steel, Broken Bones and An Open Heart

Tragedy, adversity or pain can often be our best tutor. No one (including myself) votes for these things to show up in life, but God has a way of loving us in the midst of these that can be life changing. Or at least life-adjusting.

Mangled Steel A little over a week ago I was having a great day when calamity struck.

I was in Austin for a little work and a visit with my friends Brandon and Jen Hatmaker. (more…)

Stop Wasting Your Most Valuable Opportunity For Discipleship With Your Kids

Everyone I know feels maxed out on their schedules and with the commitments they already have. Yet we are all living with a rhythm that provides one of the most valuable and reoccurring opportunities for discipleship in our families: Family dinner.

Family Dinner NightWhat if your family dinners could be re-tooled and repurposed with a new intentionality that made them more fun, more focused and a perfect way to naturally disciple your kids and your selves? Let me show you some things that Team K (my family) and I have learned. [Click Here to get my Leading Your Family & Community on Mission eGuide to help you get started.]

Simple Holiday Traditions Help Make For Remarkable Kids

The holidays are a time when the traditions we enjoy become more and more important with each passing year. And these traditions help shape our identity and how we live throughout the rest of the year as well.

Which of your holiday traditions have had the biggest positive impact in your family?  (more…)

Gratitude: An Astonishing Lesson I’ll Never Forget

Lately I have been thinking about all the things I have to be grateful for in my life, but I have also noticed how many things I seem to complain about–most of which are not really a big deal.

Most of which are truly 1st-world issues that I’ll bet 2/3 of the people on this planet never really worry about. I’ll complain about a toilet that’s running…again… and then be reminded of how many people in the world lack sanitation and would say, “you own a toilet–of your own?!” Where’s my gratitude?


Are You Suffering from Decision Fatigue?

Have you ever felt like, “If I have to make one more decision today I think I will explode! And it might be all over you!” If you have, you may be experiencing decision fatigue. And it may be the culprit for many of your bad decisions and why we often find it hard to stay on mission.

Imagine what life was like 100 years ago. It may have been harder in many ways, but I’ll guarantee you that the average person faced and needed to make way fewer decisions on any given day. Though this is a relatively new term and concept for me, researchers have been studying and trying to understand decision fatigue for quite some time. (more…)


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