Helping People Feel Like Part of Your Family

With more Christians and churches doing home-based micro churches and neighborhood-focused expressions, it’s fair to ask: how are we making people feel when they’re in our homes or anywhere with us?

In this episode, Caesar and his wife, Tina, let you in on a recent coaching call where they discuss treating people like family–not like guests—and the powerful heart change that happens for us and others when we do.

part of your family


Losing a Scarcity Mentality To Discover Abundance

The world has moved into a new sense of scarcity and lack. As the pandemic has taken its toll on jobs and our savings, a feeling of scarcity in our lifestyle and relationships has also set in.    

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar shares his own experience of being raised with a scarcity mentality and where the true root of this mindset comes from. He’ll also help you find freedom and show you how to experience an abundance mindset.

losing scarcity discover abundance


Creating a Multi-Generational Family Team

For many in Western civilization, our idea of “family” seems like a failed experiment. We’ve been sold the line that the family exists primarily as a springboard for the individual. But what if our families functioned more like a team–a team on a mission?

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar talks with Jeremy Pryor, who has created a multi-generational household that lives together on mission making disciples of Jesus. Their story is powerful!

multi-generational family team


Gospel Fluency: A Relational Game-changer!

There’s this crazy thing that most of us Christians live with (I know I did…) where we have a hard time sharing our faith or even speaking to other Christians about their sin without feeling like a jerk or fearing their rejection.

A relational killer!

Have you ever wished you could share your Christian faith with others… in a more natural way, without feeling awkward or preachy? (more…)

Becoming a Family on Mission Pt.2

You’re never going to lead anyone further, faster, or deeper into the gospel and discipleship than you’re leading your own family. Never. But people are waiting for a place at your table and a taste of life in the Kingdom of God! Let’s go deeper…

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar and his wife, Tina, continue the story of how their family rhythms grew to include many others as they make disciples in community. They’ll share some of the things that God had to change in their hearts and home in order for this Kingdom lifestyle to become a reality.

becoming a family on mission


Becoming a Family on Mission Pt.1

I’ve come to see discipleship, in many ways, as a re-parenting of people, a re-parenting of their culture. People need to understand and experience life in our perfect Father’s family and life in the Kingdom before they fully understand the love of God. Can others find that when they hang out with your family?

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, you get a BONUS training done this week for folks in the Everyday Disciple Challenge. Caesar and his wife, Tina, share exactly how their family (Team K) rhythms grew to include many others as they make disciples in community. When living as a family on mission, discipleship naturally flows out of your normal family rhythms to include and draw more and more people to God’s family!

family on mission



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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple