Is The Church Guilty of False Advertising?

Why are so many people–more and more it seems–wanting little or nothing to do with a local church? And often just telling someone that you’re a Christian can be a deal-breaker. They seem to shy away or fear us.

Why is that? Are people rejecting the Church? Are they rejecting Jesus or the good news of the gospel? Maybe it’s not so much any of these and what’s really happening is that the Church is guilty of false advertising. (more…)

How Baptism Shapes Our Identity and Culture

Whether we are aware of it or not, everyone is being “baptized.” While the church baptizes believers in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the culture is baptizing us into the trinitarian values of consumption, production, and acquisition.

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast we talk with author and pastor Eric Peterson and get a pastoral perspective on the power of baptism to lead people deeply into a more sacred way of life.

how baptism shapes identity culture


Is the Medium Really the Message?

I’ve been doing a little thinking about how most of the church in America, and often around the world, most commonly meets together. You know–at our Sunday services? Is the way we’re often “doing church” really communicating what we think it is, especially to visitors or folks just checking things out?

Is the form in which we receive a message as important as the message itself? (more…)

Discipleship: The One Person You Need to Worry About

When it comes to discipleship, one of the hardest things we often face is knowing who specifically we are supposed to be discipling. Is it one special person, or many?

When folks are forming discipleship relationships, and building healthy missional communities, on many occasions I’ve had people say to me,

I’m not this huge gatherer and people person. I’m not naturally wired to be the life of the party.”


Is It Time to Leave Your Church?

Is it time to leave your church? You didn’t always feel this way… but lately, you’ve had a nagging discomfort that it may be time to leave and find a new church home. But you wonder, “Is it just me?!”

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll try and help you make that decision. We give you 7 legitimate reasons why it may be time to leave your church, and some cautions you may want to heed first.

how to know time leave church


How the Gospel Speaks to Anger

We all know what anger looks and feels like. But most of us don’t know much about this emotion and where it comes from. Is anger always a bad thing or could it at times actually be a picture of God’s own heart in a situation?

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast we look at the source of our anger; how so much of it is disordered love, and how the gospel speaks to anger.

how gospel speaks anger



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