WWJD During This Pandemic?

As Christians, we rack our brains for ways to build trust and relationships with people in our neighborhoods and cities. And we often hide behind the facade of, “Everyone’s just too busy to get together much…” Not anymore.

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we ask, “What would Jesus do during this pandemic?” What would he focus on, and how would he prioritize his time with his disciples and those that did not yet believe in him?

wwjd during pandemic


Accountability Relationships Are Not All Good

We hear the word ‘accountability’ thrown around a lot within Christian circles. And for some it can hold deep meaning and value, while for others, it can conjure up feelings of failure, shame, or defeat.

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about how accountability relationships are not all good or beneficial… but they can be! We’ll give you several steps toward participating in gospel-centered accountability that can really bring about transformation in your life.

Accountability Relationships


Why Missional Community Will Never Work in Your Context

In this installment of “Ask Caesar” I answer the question of why a missional community will fail in your context. It’s a question I get asked A LOT, one that is most often put to me, though, as an objection. It usually sounds something like this…

“I think that missional community life probably works great where you live, but you don’t understand my context. People are different here… they’ll never have you into their homes, or come over to your place. Folks are just too busy or not open to relationship like this in our city.”  (more…)

Why Planning Rest Before Work Is Smart

Sabbath rest is not about just taking a break. It’s about putting an end to the restlessness of self, and self-provision, that keeps us living distracted, frantic, and fragmented lives of dissatisfaction. 

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about why planning your rest before work is smart and crucial to living the life God intended for you. And we’ll give a few ways to get started.

rest before work smart


Lifeschool Cafe – Your Questions Answered

A lot of great, important questions come into Caesar and Heath every week. Topics range widely, but all things focus on and help us all learn how to live out our Christian faith and express the gospel in everyday life. Awesome.

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we answer as many of your questions as we can in one special episode. Some things are serious, some are personal, some are just funny. Hope you enjoy it and learn a few things as we head into the new year together on Mission.

missional questions answered


Christmas and Consumerism as Christians

There is no evidence that the disciples of Jesus, or the 1st Century church, ever celebrated Christmas or Jesus’ birth as an annual holiday. And yet, many of us have been taught that consumerism has killed the true meaning of Christmas. Has it?!

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we look at the history of Christmas, how it started, and when the holiday took on religious significance as we talk about Christmas and consumerism as Christians.

consumerism as christians



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