Lifeschool 159: From The Pulpit To The People: Shifting to a Life on Mission

Leading people to new places in life and ministry can be hard. Too often our churches and small groups are primarily focused on… well, ourselves. Helping our people shift to a life on mission with God that is outwardly focused is the dream.

In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about leading people from being pew-sitters to active disciple makers. And guess what? This all starts in the mirror!

life on mission

Lifeschool 157: Are You Treating People Like Guests or Like Family?

Someone wearing a name badge smiles, opens the door, and greets you. You’re shown to a seat and given some information. And you wonder, “Why is my sister acting this way at Dad’s house?”

That may be how people act, but in this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we ask the question: do the people coming to your church each Sunday, or the folks coming to your home, feel more like guests or like family?

treating people like guests or family

Lifeschool 156: Does the Gospel Speak to Mental and Physical Health?

Imagine the pastor addressing your congregation’s growing waistlines from the pulpit. Or your faith community helping you heal your fears and past hurts. Is Christianity only about our spiritual health, or does the Gospel speak to mental and physical health as well?

In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about the beautiful results of having and believing in a more holistic gospel… One that speaks into all of life: mind, body, and soul.

gospel speaks to mental and physical health

Lifeschool 155: Is Evangelism Changing in the Church Today?

Have most of us Christians given up on traditional forms of sharing our faith? Let’s be honest… It’s scary to risk things relationally, and the results are often disappointing.

In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about the ways that many Christians experience (or avoid) evangelism. And we ask the question: Is evangelism changing in the church today?


Lifeschool 154: How We Can Be More Generous People

Does generosity flow from our pockets and purses… or does it flow from our hearts?

In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk to author and cool brother Marty Duren about how we can be more generous people that live lives of blessing. What is it that keeps us from living with the grace and extravagant generosity that we’ve received as Christians?

how we can be more generous

Lifeschool 153: Family Discipleship and Mission Made Simple (Part 2)

I grew up going to church Sunday after Sunday. Discipleship, if and when it happened, was a series of classes or a 9-week curriculum that we went through. The problem with that was… it didn’t really work.

In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll share Part 2 of seven simple yet important steps to living a lifestyle of discipleship where the gospel speaks good news into and shapes every area of life. Discipleship was always meant to happen with others in community.

family discipleship and mission


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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple