How to Pray the Gospel for All of Life

Prayer was always meant to be a conversation with our heavenly Father, our Daddy. If your prayers are cold, formal, self-focused or rare, then seeing prayer as a time you get to talk with Dad will draw you to the source of all life, grace, and love.

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll teach you how Jesus’ model for prayer actually leads us to pray the Good News of the gospel over all of life. Prayer is all about experiencing the gospel in relationship with our Father!

223 how to pray gospel all of life


Should You Focus on Discipleship or Evangelism? Yes.

The thought of going out and evangelizing people can seem like something scary and uncomfortable. Most folks I know would prefer to avoid it altogether. And none of us love the “bullhorn” guy who stands on the street and hollers at people to repent. Ick.

But how does anyone come to trust and love Jesus if they don’t know him or have not heard and experienced the truth about him? (Romans 10:14)

Yet interestingly, Jesus’ command in Matthew 28 was actually to go and make disciples who make disciples. Nothing mentioned here about evangelism.

So which is it, which is more important: discipleship or evangelism? (more…)

7 Things I Love Way More Than God

If my calendar or day-to-day activities are any indication of where my affections lay, then I have to ask myself, do I really love God? I seem to love a lot of stuff more than I love God.

I hate to admit it.

“You shall love the Lord your God with all of your leftover passions and strength, personal preferences, Facebook posts and strong opinions.”

Remember that verse? Me neither.


Lifeschool 219: Creating the Right Discipleship Environment Pt.2

Discipleship that mirrors what Jesus did with his disciples, and produces the same hope, maturity and multiplication is an “all of life” experience. It looks pretty different than what most of us Christians have seen or participated in.

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll give you Part 2 of our talk on the 10 necessary aspects you’ll want to focus on in creating the right discipleship environment.

creating right discipleship environment part 2


Lifeschool 218: Creating the Right Discipleship Environment Pt.1

Discipleship is an all of life apprenticeship led by Jesus himself. In order to make disciples of Jesus, who in turn, know how to make more disciples, we must pay close attention to the experience and environment that Jesus provided his disciples.

This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll give you Part 1 of a two-part talk on the 10 necessary aspects you’ll want to focus on in creating the right discipleship environment.

creating right discipleship environment part 1


What You Need to Stop Doing to Make More Disciples

Wouldn’t it be great if you could actually start doing less stuff and make more disciples? Heck yeah!

Many of us are super-busy on mission and with ministry related activities, but may not be focused on the right things that produce the greatest fruit. (more…)


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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple