Feeling Awkward: Conquering the Fear of Rejection

Why do we fear rejection and oftentimes feel like weirdos when we try to talk about spiritual topics or even come close to ‘sharing our faith’?  

In this episode, Caesar and Heath discuss the most common reasons people get scared and fearful when talking about spirituality. We’ll also give 3 Quick Tips that you can use to change that forever.

Does This Sound Like You (ever)?

  • I feel awkward and uncomfortable talking about my faith with others.
  • I tried in the past and it never ended well.
  • I hated friends trying to “jam their religion down my throat” before I was a Christian.
  • I’m worried that I might ruin my friendships if I bring up Jesus or spiritual things.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What is at the root of our fears and relational weirdness
  • 3 Quick Tips to beat the fear of rejection
  • Top reasons people seem so hesitant to talk about spiritual things
  • Why it’s important to take a much longer view of “evangelism”

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Feeling Awkward: Conquering the Fear of Rejection


Why Jesus Wants Us to Stop Going to Church

Jesus never told his disciples (us Christians) to go to church. He never commanded us to put on big worship services and lots of programs. Instead, he called us to believe our true identity and be the church.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar and Heath discuss how language creates culture, and how bad language leads to bad theology and bad practice.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why it’s impossible to actually “go to church”.
  • How our American dream world and schedule make it really hard to live the life Jesus wants for us.
  • How many non-Christian friends we have shows us whether we are living like Jesus.
  • Why life lived in community with others is the only way discipleship truly happens.

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Why Jesus Wants Us to Stop Going to Church


Making Guests Feel Like Family

Guests never do any work or preparation; family members always pitch in. We try and impress guests with our hospitality; family members expect to be “part of the flow” and help themselves to whatever they need. Are you treating people like guests or like family?

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we ask the question: do the people coming to your church service each week, and the folks coming into your home, feel more like guests or like part of the family? Caesar is joined by his wife, Tina, to share how and why you can help everyone feel like true brothers and sisters.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why treating everyone like family is a picture of the Gospel.
  • What people really need… and it’s NOT your perfectly clean house.
  • How our Sunday services can help people feel like family rather than visitors or guests.
  • How our language reveals our true heart and intentions in all of this.

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Making Guests Feel Like Family


Beyond Judgment: Radically Accepting Sinners

Often we let others’ sins define them and divide us. But our ongoing involvement and relationships, especially with those we think of as “sinners”, begin with our own profound grasp of God’s grace.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll see why Jesus came to be called a friend of sinners. And I’ll share the journey we’ve been on to earn that same moniker for ourselves as we make disciples where we live.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The #1 thing we have in common with everyone else in life.
  • How to know if you’re a “clean” sinner or a “dirty” sinner.
  • Why Jesus hung out with the outsiders and why we want to as well.
  • How I came to be known as the Pub Pastor. 😄

Get started here…

Beyond Judgment: Radically Accepting Sinners


Cigars, Theology & Discipleship

To disciple someone in all aspects of life requires a deliberate level of intentionality. It is essential to engage in everyday activities together and integrate discipleship and training into these ordinary moments.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk about a form of discipleship that includes cigars, fireplaces, and maybe an occasional glass of fine spirits. Some of you will LOVE this… some will be freaked out!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • A little about the environment that Jesus discipled in. (Hint: it was never a classroom.)
  • Why it’s vital to disciple and model the gospel in normal rhythms of life.
  • Caesar and Heath’s personal experience and model for doing “Cigars & Theology” as a part of their community life and discipleship.
  • Alternatives that may work better in your church and context.

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Cigars, Theology & Discipleship


Cultivating Discipleship in Family Rhythms

Everyone I know feels maxed out on their schedules with the commitments they already have. Yet we are all living with a rhythm that provides one of the most valuable and recurring opportunities for discipleship in our families: Dinner.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we show you how to re-tool and repurpose your Family Dinner Nights in a way that will make them fun, more focused, and a perfect way to engage in discipleship and missional rhythms as a family—naturally.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How few families are eating meals (with intention) together these days.
  • What you’re missing out on if you are not having special family dinner nights.
  • Why your mealtimes are the best opportunity for discipleship as a family.
  • Step-by-step help to make Family Dinner Nights an amazing part of your discipleship and an ongoing legacy.

Get started here…

Cultivating Discipleship in Family Rhythms



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