Why People In Your Church Are Not Motivated

Have you found it hard–really hard–to move people in your church toward embracing change? Are you finding it frustrating to motivate folks to reorient their lives around discipleship, serving others, and missional living… versus a consumeristic experience of the church?

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll tell you why the way you’ve learned to motivate people produces polarizing results. And we’ll give you ways to initiate lasting change through more gospel-centered motivations.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why the old ways of “carrot and stick” ultimately fail to motivate people.
  • How the “DO=BE” distortion is in full effect in all of this.
  • The difference between the Legalist and the Gospel when motivating others.
  • How what we believe, love and fear changes everything.

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Why People In Your Church Are Not Motivated


Why Everything We Do Matters So Much

Have you ever asked, What can I do to mend the world, my family, or my own life? And if I could, why bother? Does my own small part even matter?

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar is joined by Charlie Peacock and his wife Andi Ashworth. They discuss a model for expressing love in marriage, friendship, citizenship, and every kind of work—even in the midst of cynicism, fear, exhaustion, and oppression.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why simple things in life can make such a big difference in the long run.
  • Why we are all culture-makers… even if we don’t know it.
  • A theology of imagination and creativity that provides a framework for all of life.
  • How our lives can help move people in the direction of Jesus–or away from him!

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Why Everything We Do Matters So Much


Creating an Effective Discipleship Environment Pt.2

Discipleship that mirrors what Jesus did with his disciples, and produces the same hope, maturity and multiplication, is an “all of life” experience. It looks very different than what most Christians have seen or participated in.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll give you Part 2 of our talk on the 10 necessary aspects you’ll want to focus on in creating the right discipleship environment.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The difference between discipleship classes and holistic life-on-life experiences.
  • Why words and knowledge alone are not enough; Modeling the life of Jesus is key.
  • 6 of the 10 necessary aspects of a healthy discipleship environment (like Jesus had).
  • Why ‘one-size-fits-all’ discipleship NEVER works!

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Creating an Effective Discipleship Environment Pt.2


Creating An Effective Discipleship Environment Pt.1

Discipleship is an all-of-life apprenticeship led by Jesus himself. To make disciples of Jesus, who in turn, know how to make more disciples, we must pay close attention to the experience and environment that Jesus provided his disciples.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll give you Part 1 of a two-part talk on the 10 necessary aspects you’ll want to focus on in creating an effective discipleship environment.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why your “discipleship” may not be producing the desired results in your people.
  • Where, when, and how often Jesus interacted with his disciples.
  • 4 of the 10 necessary aspects of a healthy discipleship environment (like Jesus had).
  • Why your discipleship must be Spirit-led and Gospel-saturated!

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Creating An Effective Discipleship Environment  Pt.1


7 Community Relationship Killers

Life in a community on God’s mission is messy. It just is. Lots of relational dynamics come into play… hopes, fears, preferences, etc. Things will get complicated when you have humans working together!

In this episode, Caesar gives you 7 community relationship killers that you’ll want to watch for and avoid. You’re going to need this!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why confidentiality is critical for a healthy community.
  • How unspoken expectations undermine unity.
  • How to deal with the “fixer” in your group.
  • Ways that leaders set the tone and ethos for the community.

Get started here…

7 Community Relationship Killers


Becoming a Family on Mission Pt.2

You’ll never lead anyone further, faster, or deeper into the gospel and discipleship than you’re leading your own family. Never. But people are waiting for a place at your table and a taste of life in the Kingdom of God! Let’s go deeper…

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar and his wife, Tina, continue the story of how their family rhythms grew to include many others as they make disciples in community. They’ll share some of the things that God had to change in their hearts and home for this Kingdom lifestyle to become a reality.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The rest of the Team K story and a heartwarming testimony you gotta hear!
  • The ways God may want to speak into your busyness, fear, shyness, lack of love, etc.
  • How individualism in our Western culture has severely damaged our families.
  • Why the way you lead your family on mission can be the model for your church.

Get started here…

Becoming a Family on Mission Pt.2



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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple