Discipleship Beyond the Topical Checklist

Wouldn’t it be great if Jesus had just left us his “5 Big Steps” or “3 Important Ingredients” for disciple-making? It would be so much simpler if discipleship in the real world was a little more spelled out and outlined into a few basics.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’re going to show you how discipleship looks less like one big thing or series of classes… and more like a million little things.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why there will never be a perfect set of classes or “one big thing” that adds up to maturity in our churches.
  • How Romans 8:28 helps clarify what God is up to when it comes to our sanctification.
  • Why dependence on the works of the Holy Spirit is crucial in discipleship.
  • Why disciple-making was never meant to be the job of a few professionals.

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A man attempts teaching discipleship through a list of topics from a whiteboard in a classroom.


Small Daily Steps to Big Kingdom Impact

Staying on track toward accomplishing large goals can seem hard, but all big things come from small beginnings. The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision and we all do exactly what we choose to do every day.

In this episode, Caesar shares a simple process for getting started and sustaining movement toward our great task and mission of making disciples of Jesus in community. You’ll discover the habit of small daily steps that add up to something big!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The “Daffodil Principle”.
  • The power of moving 1% each day toward your goals.
  • How our actions and habits reveal our true motivation.
  • A simple daily process that will add up to big changes!

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Step by step a small seedling grows into a healthy, robust plant, signifying the power of small steps over time in making disciples of Jesus.


Replacing a Scarcity Mindset With Gospel Truth

Many in the world today are living with a very real sense of scarcity and lack. And with so much division and political strife, a feeling of scarcity in our relationships may have also set in.   

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar shares his own experience of being raised with a scarcity mentality and where the true root of this mindset comes from. He’ll also help you find freedom and show you how to experience an abundance mindset.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What causes a scarcity mentality and how to escape it.
  • How living with a scarcity mindset affects all of life–not just money.
  • How the gospel speaks good news and abundance to scarcity.
  • Steps to begin to lose a scarcity mentality and find freedom.

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A dead and barren tree transforms into a thriving fruitful tree in a lush, green field.


Rethinking Family as a Team on Mission

For many in Western civilization, our idea of “family” seems like a failed experiment. We’ve been sold the line that the family exists primarily as a springboard for the individual. But what if our families functioned more like a team–a team on a mission?

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar talks with Jeremy Pryor, who has created a multi-generational household that lives together on mission making disciples of Jesus. Their story is powerful!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why so many families fail to live as a team and do life and mission together.
  • The simple, yet powerful rhythms that Jeremy’s family live in.
  • The role that “intentionality” plays in establishing new family rhythms.
  • Ideas to help you start to create a family team right where you’re at.

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A multi-generational family enjoying disciple-making as a team.


Living On Mission With No Church Support

You want to live a more missional life—sharing everyday rhythms with others, building community, and making disciples. But what do you do when your pastor or church leadership isn’t on board?

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll start by speaking to your heart. Then, we’ll guide you with practical steps to get started and share ways to inspire your leaders and others to embrace this missional lifestyle with you.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The crucial difference between most traditional churches and missional communities.
  • The real threats and fears that you may be experiencing as opposition.
  • How Jesus was definitely in the “both/and” camp with a single focus.
  • Ways to get started living as an example for others.

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Serving neighbors as a family, becoming tangible 'Good News' as they live on mission.


10 Ideas For Your Christmas on Mission

Many of us were raised to believe that the Christmas holidays are a time to unplug from outside relationships and our “normal” community rhythms. Even many Christians tend to isolate away from their small groups, missional communities, and neighbors instead of pressing deeper into relationships at this time of year. 

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll give you 10 fun and easy missional ideas that you can do with family and friends to help you stay on mission this holiday season.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why the Christmas holidays are a perfect time to reach out on mission.
  • How recent social distancing regulations have made certain, favorite, holiday traditions a perfect opportunity for mission in your neighborhood.
  • How to pick one other family to be part of your family this holiday season.
  • 10 ideas you can mix and match that are fun for your family to do together.

Get started here…

Kids acting out the nativity scene in their front yard as a way of sharing the Good News with neighbors this Christmas.



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