Is Tithing Actually Biblical?

Christians are taught that we should be giving 10% of everything we earn to the church. Is the practice of tithing still in effect for us today, or is it time to reconsider this practice?

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll look at the truth about tithing. Is it biblical? Are we under-giving or over-giving if we are tithing, and how might we give in light of the gospel?

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The three types of tithes God mandated Israel to give in the Law.
  • How tithes and offerings were used in the Old Testament.
  • What Jesus taught about giving and how it reflects our hearts.
  • How the Gospel informs our giving and support of the Church today.

Get started here…

Is Tithing Actually Biblical?


Do Christians Party Like They Believe The Gospel?

Christians should be the most celebratory people in the world. In every neighborhood, in every city. Do you agree with that? Well, our heavenly Father is sure into parties!

In this episode, Caesar and Heath talk about how to celebrate according to the gospel. And we dig deep into historical and biblical proof that our God loves to party, and he loves when we do.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How God built celebration into the rhythms of everyday life for us.
  • Why a weekly church service was never Jesus’ idea of “partying”.
  • How our views on alcohol are shaped by our understanding of the Gospel.
  • Why we can live redeemed lives that are used by God to redeem others.

Get started here…


How to Be Confident in Your Unique Calling

People who know their calling in life seem to live with a form of built-in GPS that guides them throughout their lives. They’re focused, they know where they’re going. And while calling and vocation sometimes overlap, they are in fact very different things.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, you’ll discover how to find your unique calling and live it with more clarity and confidence. Let’s get started on your journey of discovery!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Is there such a thing as a “personal calling”?
  • If your calling can change throughout your life.
  • How to discover and affirm the calling God has given YOU.
  • Download the worksheet to get started defining your calling and mission now!

Get started here…




Could a 2nd Job Be Part of Your Calling?

Does your current ministry role and lifestyle help you realize and experience what people in your city really face–the things that are really on their hearts? Believers and not-yet-believers? Maybe God has been preparing you for the next part of his calling on your life.

In this episode of The Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar talks with longtime pastor, Tim McIntyre from New York City. You’ll hear how energized for ministry and life he has become after he started working a 2nd job in his city. You will love Tim’s heart and his NY accent!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Your calling may or may not be in full-time ministry… it could be both!
  • The dangers of living and working in a “Christian bubble”.
  • The benefits of regularly working outside the walls of the Church.
  • How God may be preparing you now for what’s next in life.

Get started here…

Could a 2nd Job Be Part of Your Calling?


How the Gospel Speaks to Guilt from Shame

Guilt or shame… are they the same thing? The last time you made a mistake or really blew it, what were you feeling in your gut: guilt or shame? Do you know the difference? One is healthy, and the other is deadly.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, I’ll show you why understanding how these two emotions differ is critical to your emotional health and your relationships.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Functional definitions of guilt and shame in action.
  • The reason why we often turn normal guilty feelings to shame.
  • How the Gospel speaks into (and destroys) shame.
  • Practical ways to turn conversations away from deadly shame.

Get started here…

How the Gospel Speaks to Guilt from Shame


Is Bi-Vocational Ministry the Future For Leaders?

For as long as we’ve all been alive, there has been sort of a two-tiered system for Christians: Those who are “called” enough and lucky enough to be on the staff at church and actually get paid to do ministry… and then there was pretty much everyone else. Or what is often referred to as the “laity” and the never-ending line of church volunteers.

In this episode of The Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’re talking about the future of church leadership and who should be having paid positions at the church. And how, maybe, full-time vocational ministry is shifting in our time. Is bi-vocational ministry your future?

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How the rise of layers of paid church staff is really a late-model invention
  • How there is a shift happening to what is called bi-vocational ministry (Bivo)
  • 7 benefits to bi-vocational ministry and church planting that propel ministry
  • Why planning for a future career in paid ministry may not work for you

Get started here…

Is Bi-Vocational Ministry the Future For Leaders?



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