How to Revive Your Missional Community

Feeling like your church small group or missional community is a bit of a dud, lately? They can oftentimes get stuck as just a weekly meeting and never really become the intentional, life-on-life, daily experience they are meant to be. (And can be.)

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk about how to revive your group and breathe new life into things. You really can experience your faith in daily community with others the way Jesus did!

NOTE: In our last episode, Caesar started telling the story of how he and his wife Tina, and some of their friends, first tried out this “missional community” stuff. And how it failed pretty miserably. If you missed that episode, pause this one and go back and listen to this episode now first, and then come back and pick up the story here…

[SPOILER ALERT] Things got better!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How to establish predictable patterns in the life of your community
  • How Jesus balanced his time and priorities as he lived with his disciples
  • Ways to have a deeper connection with God and the gospel in your group
  • How to start living much more like a family rather than just a mid-week meeting

Get started here…

How to Revive Your Missional Community


How to Create a Lifestyle of Discipleship

Is discipleship about gaining knowledge, or is it about a transformed life? Is it a series of classes or, like with Jesus and his pals, was it an all-of-life kind of a deal?

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’re talking about true discipleship and looking at what a lifestyle of discipleship looks like when it is all woven into the normal rhythms of your everyday life in community.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • A working definition of discipleship that will reshape your thinking on this immediately
  • How Jesus lived life with his disciples and what he then hoped/commanded them to do
  • Why a series of 8-10 classes done in a classroom will never produce mature disciples
  • Why an integrated lifestyle “apprenticeship” was Jesus’ model for us

Get started here…

How to Create a Lifestyle of Discipleship


Start a Movement or Join a Movement

Often with disciple-making, we either have no framework for making disciples of Jesus, or we put together such an elaborate plan that is destined to fizzle out.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar talks with a movement leader in Belgium who has helped create a network of communities that are making disciples in beautiful and reproducible ways. This is so encouraging!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How co-vocational saints are leading a large disciple-making movement.
  • Why keeping our discipleship process simple makes it reproducible.
  • The importance of getting started…or joining others… today!
  • How our past church traditions may be causing us to overthink things.

Get started here…

Start a Movement or Join a Movement


The Patience Needed For Discipleship

Discipleship is definitely more of a slow cooking process and not something done at microwave speeds. Maybe that’s why the church in recent history has had such a hard time with making disciples: We want to see instant conversions, instant attendance, and instant new programs…

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar is joined by disciple-maker and church planter Gino Curcuruto. Listen in as they explore the importance of patience in discipleship. They reflect on the early church leaders’ understanding of investing significant time in walking alongside individuals, guiding them toward living in the ways of Jesus.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How patience plays a vital role in the process of discipling someone.
  • Why baptism is a model for our ongoing immersion into Gospel Identity.
  • The need for discipleship to happen in different environments of life.
  • How “micro churches” that only mirror a Sunday church service are missing the mark.

Get started here…

The Patience Needed For Discipleship


Moving From Attracting To Deploying

Part of the major lack of discipleship we see in the Church today comes back to the reality that many, or most, are still living and leading their people in light of the Old Covenant! New Covenant churches are focused on making disciples who increasingly fill the world with disciples of Jesus.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk about what it looks like to move from attracting people to our buildings toward deploying people on mission, and truly embracing our New Covenant identity.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Stark differences between the Old and New Covenants found in scripture.
  • How embracing the reality of the New Covenant in Christ SENDS us out on mission.
  • Ways that the New Covenant empowers the “priesthood of all believers” and will radically transform the Church.
  • Some signs that you or your church may still be living and laboring under the Old Covenant.

Get started here…

Moving From Attracting To Deploying


How To Develop New Missional Leaders Pt.2

If you are not intentionally developing new leaders within your church or missional community–all the time–you will find yourself with a “leadership vacuum”. Don’t wait until you are lacking leaders who will serve and help with growth. You need to develop new leaders as a part of your ongoing disciple-making process.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar is joined by one of his personal long-time mentors, John Witte. You’ll be encouraged as they share hard-earned lessons in successfully developing new leaders.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The importance of waiting until someone asks you to develop them. (Sometimes.)
  • How Invitation & Challenge fits into developing new leaders.
  • Why your model for doing church may be costing you new leaders.
  • 4 critical things required for building providential relationships.

Get started here…

How To Develop New Missional Leaders Pt.2



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