Why You Want to Be Praying For Your Child’s Future

As Christians, consistently praying for your kids may seem obvious. To pray for your child’s future spouse may be less obvious, but it’s a privilege that carries with it some pretty awesome blessings.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll show you seven ways and reasons to pray for your child’s future, and their potential spouse. The earlier you get started, the bigger the blessings!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • 7 ways and reasons to pray for your child’s future, and how to get started.
  • The results Caesar and Tina have seen from praying in this specific way.
  • Why praying for your child’s future is part of how you disciple them.
  • How to include your children in these prayers with you–powerful!

Get started here…

Why You Want to Be Praying For Your Child’s Future


Embracing How and Why God Saves Us – Pt.2

For far too long the primary message of the Church has focused on “How” someone can be saved. But the Gospel also tells us “Why” we’ve been saved. Understanding the Purpose of our salvation is critical for making disciples of Jesus who make more disciples.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, I continue with Part 2 of this short series on the “two lenses” of the Gospel: Power and Purpose. Most Christians have never been taught the Purpose of the Gospel…in other words, “why” God sent his Son to save us. This changes everything!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why the Gospel is so much more than a message about how to have a nice afterlife.
  • How the Gospel propels us well beyond sin management and behavioral modification.
  • How not embracing both “lenses” of the Gospel has led to the lack of discipleship in the Church today.
  • The danger in not keeping both the “how and why” of the Gospel central to all we do.

Get started here…

Embracing How and Why God Saves Us - Pt.2


Embracing How and Why God Saves Us – Pt.1

Most of our evangelistic messages focus on “How” someone can be saved. But the Gospel also tells us “Why” we’ve been saved. Understanding both is critical in making disciples of Jesus who make more disciples.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, I explain the “two lenses” of the Gospel: Power and Purpose. A failure to embrace and consistently proclaim both is what has led to such a discipleship deficit in the Church. Let’s change that.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why the Gospel is not just about believing a set of historical facts that gets us into heaven.
  • How the lack of understanding both lenses of the Gospel has led to our decline in discipleship.
  • A full, practical way to explain both the Power and the Purpose of the Gospel.
  • The Plan Jesus gave the Church to accomplish the Purpose of the Gospel. (Powerful!)

Get started here…

Embracing How and Why God Saves Us - Pt.1


Using The Story of God in Community

What we believe about God and what he is like will ultimately determine what we believe about ourselves and how life works. This is why it is so important that we know, understand, and believe God’s big story. How well do you know the Story of God?

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar visits with a community and their pastor and discusses the ways they have been teaching the Story of God in their church, and with their neighbors. You’ll hear about the transformation that is taking place as the fuller picture of God’s overarching Story is unfolding in their lives.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Different ways The Story can be used in making disciples.
  • Why even “mature” Christians need to learn The Story.
  • The transformation that takes place when we learn the full Story of God.
  • The difference between knowing a lot about the Bible and knowing God’s Story.

Get started here…

Using The Story of God in Community


The Gospel on the Move in a Rural Context

Jesus’ call and command to “go and make disciples” means everywhere and is for everyone. If you are living under the false belief that, “This missional lifestyle just won’t work in our context,” this episode is for you! (Regardless of where you live.)

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we look at discipleship and mission in a rural context. Our guest, Drew Speroni, along with his wife Sabrina and their kids, have engaged in some pretty unique rhythms as a family to see people come to know Jesus and create a missional community in their setting.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why a rural context presents unique challenges for discipleship.
  • Drew’s miraculous healing that led to clarity for his mission.
  • The daily and weekly rhythms that were engaged to build a community.
  • How this missional community is making disciples in a rural setting today.

Get started here…

The Gospel on the Move in a Rural Context


What to Do with Kids in Your Missional Community

Kids are great! But sometimes when all together, things can feel hectic and distracted. One of the most common questions we hear connected to this is, “What do you do with kids in your missional community? How do you handle them, what types of activities do you do for them, etc.?”

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll help you solve this and give you a bunch of ideas on how to include your kids on mission.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How life in a missional community with kids actually mirrors the rest of your life.
  • Why kids are vital to the mission and can be a “secret weapon” for you.
  • Why a true missional community and lifestyle can never be jammed into a single evening each week.
  • 7 easy and practical ways to include your kids in your missional community

Get started here…

What to Do with Kids in Your Missional Community



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