From The Pulpit To The People: Shifting to a Life on Mission

Leading people to new places in life and ministry can be hard. Too often our churches and small groups are primarily focused on… well, ourselves. Helping our people shift to a life on mission with God that is outwardly focused is the dream.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk about leading people from being pew-sitters to active disciple makers. And guess what? This all starts in the mirror!

And if you are a pastor and need to navigate Elders or a Session, leadership teams, or stubborn board members toward mission, as you lead your people, this episode will give you practical and doable steps to get started.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What the mission of the church really is (or should be).
  • Why before change happens in your people it needs to happen in you.
  • How to make major strides in shifting people to a life on mission in 8 weeks.
  • What to do if your board or leaders are dragging their feet on this.

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From The Pulpit To The People: Shifting to a Life on Mission


Are You Making Progress Toward Making Disciples?

With all the content and info available to us today–about anything and everything, including the Bible and making disciples—you would think every Christian would be a mature and confident disciple-maker by now.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk about why true discipleship is not about the consumption and passing on of knowledge. We don’t need more information–we need more transformation. This is a key shift in making progress toward making disciples who make disciples.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why the glut of Christian content online is not producing mature disciples.
  • Why so many leaders in the church today are MAXED OUT.
  • What is keeping discipleship from being many pastors’ key focus.
  • The importance of finding the help you need to develop new discipleship rhythms for yourself and others NOW.

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Are You Making Progress Toward Making Disciples?


Can You Be a Christian But Not a Disciple?

Somewhere along the way, we have mistakenly made it acceptable in the church to be a Christian but not a disciple. But Jesus never offered two acceptable standards for living the Christian life, just one: disciples of Jesus make more disciples. 

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, I am joined by authors Kent Ingle and Steve Saccone. We discuss discipleship challenges facing the church today, and they share a process for disciple-making laid out clearly in their new book, Made For More. These guys are super smart and you will love this!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What has led to our current lack of discipleship in the church today.
  • The ways Steve and Kent were discipled early in their lives.
  • How an unwavering connection to God needs to be the foundation of your life.
  • The importance of making time in your life to be a disciple maker.

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Can You Be a Christian But Not a Disciple?


Not Every Christian Is a Person of Peace

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we challenge the assumption that all Christians are automatically People of Peace. We discuss the importance of being discerning about who we actually disciple, and we talk about the need to be willing to walk away from relationships with people who are not open to discipleship.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Surprising statistics about the faith practice Christians have outside Sunday services.
  • Everyone you meet or who likes you is not going to be a Person of Peace in your life.
  • Not every Christian is a Person of Peace and wants to live a lifestyle of discipleship.
  • Why it is important to discern who your actual People of Peace are.

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Not Every Christian Is a Person of Peace


How Seasonal Rhythms Serve Our Disciple-making

Regardless of where you live, the changing seasons can provide you with diverse opportunities for gospel growth and disciple-making. God designed it that way!

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we explore how seasonal rhythms can positively impact relationships and discipleship–if you embrace them.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Seasonal rhythms and their significance in discipleship are defined.
  • How there is a natural “breathing in and breathing out” relationally as seasons change.
  • Why your own seasons of life play an important role in your discipleship pace.
  • 6 Discipleship Rhythms that you can engage in regardless of the weather.

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How Seasonal Rhythms Serve Our Disciple-making


Does Our Evangelism Need to Change?

Have most of us Christians given up on traditional forms of sharing our faith? Let’s be honest… It’s scary to risk things relationally, and the results are often disappointing.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk about the ways that many Christians experience (or avoid) evangelism. And we ask the question: Does evangelism need to change for the church today?

Many people still associate evangelism with a Billy Graham approach, door-to-door soul winning, or strategic speeches that “share the Gospel”.  But what if the biblical precedent was more of a normal day-to-day rhythm?

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What “evangelism” really is and what it looked and sounded like in the Bible.
  • Why evangelism and discipleship were never meant to be two separate practices.
  • How discipleship must include ongoing evangelism for Believers and unbelievers alike.
  • Your responsibility when it comes to evangelism.

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