The Emotional Toll on Church Leadership

Pastors and other ministry leaders are often under so much stress that they find themselves hanging on by a thread, oftentimes for years, ready to burn out from exhaustion or blow out morally. This is a huge problem facing the Church today. 

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk about the alarming number of high-profile church leaders resigning, being fired, or walking away from the faith and why this may be happening so often. Is the Church a black hole for leaders?

Why aren’t more pastors overflowing with the love, joy and the peace of the Lord in their lives, families, and ministries? What is the cause of their emotional problems and moral failures?

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why we didn’t see this type of “leadership burnout” with Jesus and his disciples.
  • Alarming statistics about the levels of stress and low emotional and moral health of today’s pastors.
  • Why the ‘model’ that many churches follow is leading to leadership fallout.
  • Steps to take TODAY if you’re on the brink of resigning, being fired or burning out.

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The Emotional Toll on Church Leadership


The 3 Seductions: Appetite, Ambition & Approval w/Mike Breen

Temptation is everywhere. Heck, it’s even lurking inside of me! And all of us, at some point in our lives, have given into temptations.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk with author and movement leader, Mike Breen, about what lies behind our own particular “Achilles heel” types of temptations. We discuss the 3 seductions of Appetite, Ambition, and Approval. Buckle up!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How to identify what drives your personal temptations.
  • The fruit that is produced in our lives by each of these 3 seductions.
  • How Jesus was tempted by these same 3 seductions and temptations.
  • How to put to death the shame connected to sin and temptation.

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The 3 Seductions: Appetite, Ambition & Approval w/Mike Breen


Gospel Fluency For Your Family and Church

Every sin and emotional issue that stands in the way of our faithfulness to God’s design, and Jesus’ commands, is ultimately a Gospel issue. The Bible teaches that all sin is the outcome of unbelief in God. We can learn to apply the truth about God and the Good News to every area of our lives.

In this episode, Caesar is joined by two different disciple-making practitioners as they talk about how they’ve learned to speak the good news of the Gospel into their family life and with those in their church. This is a very practical example of Gospel Fluency in action.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How Tina has learned to “gospel” her own heart and areas of unbelief.
  • Why taking the time to learn and practice the language of the Gospel is essential.
  • The ways Pastor Tim is using his Gospel Fluency in leading the church.
  • The importance of learning to speak, live and enjoy the Gospel in ALL of life!

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Gospel Fluency For Your Family and Church


Your Next Steps In Gospel Fluency

When you become fluent in the Gospel, it’s like speaking the language of freedom and joy. You won’t have to fear rejection when sharing your faith with others because your words will be so genuine and full of hope that they will resonate deeply with them.

In this episode, Caesar is joined by his wife Tina as they talk about next steps in learning how the Gospel speaks into any and every area of life… And in a way that is both delivered in normal conversation and received as really good news by others.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How to lose your fear of rejection when it comes to “speaking truth in love”.
  • How to ask, answer, and apply 4 very powerful questions.
  • The importance of practicing Gospel Fluency with yourself–first.
  • Why understanding God’s true character is KEY to Gospel Fluency.

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Your Next Steps In Gospel Fluency


Using Gospel Fluency To Transform Your Marriage

Discipleship as a lifestyle starts in our homes. And if you’re married, how we speak the Good News of the Gospel to each other in our marriages will begin to trickle down into all of our relationships in community.

In this episode, Caesar has a great talk with Austin and Sarah Johnson, a young married couple who are leading missional communities and making disciples in everyday life. They’ll share how a growing sense of their gospel identity and using Gospel Fluency in their life has a transformational effect on everything!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The importance of having our identity grounded in the gospel.
  • Why the 4Gs are the foundation of Gospel Fluency.
  • How to identify “the thing behind the thing” and address it with the Gospel.
  • How Gospel Fluency can transform your scripture reading too!

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Using Gospel Fluency To Transform Your Marriage


Redeeming Sexuality in the Church w/Debra Hirsch

Nothing has exposed the gap between the church and the broader society quite like the cultural argument over sexuality. Relationships, identities, orientations and even seemingly straightforward concepts such as gender have cut battle lines between the church and the world.

In this episode, we speak to Debra Hirsch, author of the book Redeeming Sex, and discover a holistic, biblical vision of sex and gender that honors God and offers good news to the world.

Deb reflects on some of her own journey with us as she brings fresh language and insightful definitions of sexuality into the context of the church. When you consider the world from the perspective of God’s kingdom mission, it turns out the smoke clears and a redemptive imagination takes root.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why sex and sexuality is such a “hot-button” issue for the church
  • What the church and Christians need to wake up to concerning sex
  • How our understanding of sexuality can deepen our relationship with God
  • How the search for intimacy in relationships mirrors our search for God

Get started here…

Redeeming Sexuality in the Church w/Debra Hirsch



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