5 Stereotypes Christians Need To Change

We all seem to put people into a box–labeling them in ways that we can either easily dismiss, or categorically aspire to, without really getting into the messiness of really knowing them. Most are likely to say that stereotypes are not true, yet they still exist and influence our perceptions in profound ways.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we look at the reality that not only have we stereotyped certain people and groups in life, but the same has happened to us. We talk about changing five horrible stereotypes Christians are known for.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why humans want to stereotype and label others.
  • Ways that the media shapes unhelpful stereotypes about Christians.
  • How Jesus was hard to label because he moved in a “third way”.
  • 5 stereotypes that Christians need to change about us immediately.

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5 Stereotypes Christians Need To Change


Why We Want To Let Our Redemption Show

When we can be honest about where we’re at with our problems and in our own spiritual life, it permits others to do the same. Ask yourself, do others feel safe to approach you, even with their sins and screw-ups?

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll show you why it’s important to let others see the redemption that is taking place in your life. Letting others know that you are truly a work in progress and that God is still at work shaping and changing you will transform your relationships.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The one thing we have most in common with every other human being.
  • How your own redemption lights a path to God for others.
  • How to make God the hero of your life in every conversation.
  • Why it’s important to stop worrying about “who’s in” and “who’s out”.

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Why We Want To Let Our Redemption Show


Living on Mission When Your Spouse Is Not Into It

Discipleship starts in your home and works its way out through relationships. So our families and marriages need to be the “red hot center” of discipleship that we invite others into. But what happens if you’re trying to live on Mission and your spouse is not into it?

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk about the challenges that come up when we are not on the same page as a couple when it comes to discipleship and mission. Whether a not-yet-believer or your spouse is just not into this “missional thing”, we’ll help you break through and live the life you’ve been called to live!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What the Bible teaches about having an “unbelieving” spouse.
  • Why no Christians get a pass on making disciples.
  • How to start where you’re at, with what you CAN do, rather than focusing on the limitations.
  • 10+ ideas to get you started living on Mission even if your spouse is not into it.

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Living on Mission When Your Spouse Is Not Into It


What is Freedom in Christ and How to Find it

Do you feel like you are truly living in freedom? Is there an ease and lightness in your head and heart about your life and relationships?  Is the idea of “freedom in Christ” just a nice sentiment… or does it have real implications for our lives today?

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk through the idea of freedom in Christ, what true freedom is, and how one finds and sustains it.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What the Bible teaches about the experience of freedom.
  • Is the freedom that’s found in Jesus real for today, or is it an “in heaven” thing?
  • Does freedom in Christ come with conditions or obligations?
  • How our complacency may be dampening our experience of true freedom.

Get started here…

What is Freedom in Christ and How to Find it


Stop Waiting! Bloom Where You’re Planted

With all of the changes we’ve seen in life over the past several months and years, many people I know have stalled in their disciple-making and living life on mission. Everything is different, and many seem to have lost their way—feeling a bit stuck. Waiting…

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar gives you 7 things to help get you unstuck, be encouraged, and start to bloom where God has planted you.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Where you’re at now is preparation for what God has next.
  • Why it’s time to stop making excuses.
  • The power of choosing to be “all in” regardless of your circumstances.
  • Small steps you can take, starting today!

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Stop Waiting! Bloom Where You’re Planted


God, Guns and the Second Amendment

One of today’s biggest and most vigorously debated issues is gun control. Statistics show Americans of all persuasions and political affiliations have become increasingly opposed to more gun control laws, despite the growing number of mass shootings. Yet clearly, some cry out for greater gun control.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk with Caesar’s son, a former Marine and now an attorney, to gain a better understanding of the issue of gun control from a legal, Christian, and Gospel perspective.

The issue of gun control from a Christian perspective is not black and white. All of this is fueled by past and present history, personal pain, and plenty of emotion.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What the Second Amendment actually says and the context in which it was originally written.
  • Why new gun control laws are so hard to get passed in America and abroad.
  • If the Bible and Jesus ever advocate for either lethal self-defense or passivity.
  • How the gospel speaks into this issue and how we can help today.

Get started here…

God, Guns and the Second Amendment



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