Our Christian faith was always meant to be vibrant and lived like a family with others—not a once-a-week experience. Missional communities are a proven (biblical) way to engage people in normal rhythms of family discipleship and mission… believers and not-yet-believers alike.
In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll share Part 1 of seven simple steps that will help you lead your folks to a “faith in practice” where family life becomes mission and begins to move outward to include others.
These seven, proven steps may seem simple or even a little obvious, but they really work and are just the beginning… There is no limit to how far this will take you if you apply this to your life.
In This Episode You’ll Learn:
- What keeps a lot of churches and small groups stuck in a “me-focused” mode.
- The difference between a weekly small group and a true “family on mission”.
- Why understanding and embracing a bigger gospel is at the center of a missional life.
- The first three of seven proven steps to make family discipleship and mission simple.
- How to get help to get started on all of this right away.
From this episode:
“Discipleship is a lifestyle—not a series of classes and then you’re finished. Every Christian is truly a missionary right where they live. These are the first important steps that a family, group, or church needs to embrace and grow in, or they’ll never really have a healthy missional life or community with others.“
Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.
Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.