Jesus did not die to save us just so that we could get a ticket out of hell and a spot in heaven someday. Do your people know why God saved them in Christ?
In this episode, Caesar continues with a series of essential conversations you’ll need to have with those you want to lead toward a lifestyle of discipleship and mission. Hear how a conversation might sound between a couple of friends discussing the purpose of the gospel. You will love this!
In This Episode You’ll Learn:
- The often “missing” part of our gospel understanding.
- The sad self-focus in much of the Church today.
- How discipleship fulfills God’s eternal purpose.
- How a conversation about the purpose of the gospel might sound.
From this episode:
“We have all tried to create a life and identity (fame and glory) for ourselves apart from God. But until Christians believe their true, restored gospel identity, their Christianity will be filled with a whole bunch of “shoulds” and “supposed tos” and religion, instead of a life of freedom and privilege that Jesus came to give us. That’s why this is so important.”
Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.
Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.