How You Communicate Vision & Values Shape Mission

Most churches have a vision statement with values listed out that they’ve put a lot of work into creating. They might even have their people regularly stand and recite them. But is your vision compelling enough that people will give their lives to it?

In this episode, Caesar gives you a radical understanding of how your vision and values can shape the mission of your church, community, or family. And he’ll share a process for crafting a vision statement that will transform your ministry.

vision values shape mission

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In This Episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast You’ll Learn:

  • The way language creates culture within your church.
  • How a compelling vision statement brings unity and movement.
  • How your values and vision clarify your ministry model.
  • A proven process and tool for creating a powerful vision statement.

Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.


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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple