Many people who avoid the Church have not rejected Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel; they’ve actually, rightfully so, shunned religion. And they’ve dismissed a transactional way of relating to God and an effort to somehow balance out the cosmic scales of his justice.
In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we look at the beautiful and liberating difference between the Gospel vs. religion. Christianity and the true Gospel tells us that God himself, in the person of Jesus, has already done for us all the things we never could have done for ourselves. And that is Good News!
In This Episode You’ll Learn:
- How the New Testament warns us about religion.
- Why the Gospel is not advice telling you what you should or shouldn’t do in life.
- The difference between the Gospel and Religion in several key areas of our lives.
- How to spot where you might be living under the heavy yoke of religion.
From this episode:
“If you still feel that you have to work hard to please God and get things from him, you are laboring under religion, which is not Good News. There is no grand, cosmic scale that God uses to keep track of your good deeds and church attendance. In Christ, you are a beloved son or daughter of the King of Kings and have full authority and privilege within God’s perfect love. Nothing to earn or prove, the pressure is off!”
Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.
Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.